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Samples of definition essays

Samples of definition essays

Trust in another person can make one feel secure and loved, while broken trust can lead to the feeling of anger and vulnerability. But what does it really mean? Skip to main content. The next time you see someone acting heroically, remind yourself that they are probably samples of definition essays in that moment — and that makes them even braver. To philosophize is something that sets us apart from other animals, it seems.

Student Sample: Definition Essay

When one thinks of the most important quality in a friend or a family member, trust immediately comes to mind. It can be defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, and surety of a person or thing. But what does it really mean? Trust, in simple terms, is faith in another person, despite a lack of an assured outcome. One characteristic that makes trust unique is its fragility. To gain the complete trust of someone can take years, but can be lost in a single moment. A perfect example of the delicate nature of trust can be found in marriage. Two spouses must constantly support and be honest with each other to gain real trust.

However, this bond can be easily broken if one of the spouses is caught cheating with someone else. Trust in another person can make one feel secure and loved, while broken trust can lead to the feeling of anger and vulnerability. One very important question arises when examining trust: If one knows the outcome of something before it happens, is there any trust involved? If one already knew that they would get the money back at the time of the loan, there is no trust involved. The person that is doing the trusting should have faith in the person making the promise, not in the event itself. Real trust is not tested in times of certainty; rather, genuine trust occurs when we are not certain of the outcome.

Trust can be a found in simple things, like a dog relying on his master to feed him, or it can be found in more complex things relationships such as two police officers looking out for each other. Most friendships are based on trust as well. Friends will not let other friends make bad decisions and will expect that others will do the same for them. Trust can be proven to others by doing the right thing even when one is not asked. If other people know that one can handle responsibility and can manage to do the right thing, samples of definition essays, even when they are samples of definition essays asked, they will not falter in providing friendship and support.

From the time we are born, we know that our mother will care for us and show us love and affection. In our teenage years we hope that our friends and family alike will support samples of definition essays decisions and correct us if we are wrong. To our college years, samples of definition essays, we expect that our teachers will accurately grade everything we do. We even expect our spouse to support and love us throughout our adult years. We rely on others to take care of our every need when we are old. Even on the day that we die, we know that our friends and family will be at our funeral to bid us farewell into the afterlife. We hope that there is a heaven and a hell, samples of definition essays, one of which will be our final destination.

But throughout our lives, trust follows us everywhere we go and these trusting relationships that we develop will help lead and guide us. But when it all comes samples of definition essays to it, who can we trust? Skip to main content. Module 3: Definition Essay. Search for:. Licenses and Attributions. CC licensed content, Shared previously.

example of division and classification essay

Trust can be a found in simple things, like a dog relying on his master to feed him, or it can be found in more complex things relationships such as two police officers looking out for each other. Most friendships are based on trust as well. Friends will not let other friends make bad decisions and will expect that others will do the same for them. Trust can be proven to others by doing the right thing even when one is not asked. If other people know that one can handle responsibility and can manage to do the right thing, even when they are not asked, they will not falter in providing friendship and support. From the time we are born, we know that our mother will care for us and show us love and affection. In our teenage years we hope that our friends and family alike will support our decisions and correct us if we are wrong.

To our college years, we expect that our teachers will accurately grade everything we do. We even expect our spouse to support and love us throughout our adult years. We rely on others to take care of our every need when we are old. Even on the day that we die, we know that our friends and family will be at our funeral to bid us farewell into the afterlife. We hope that there is a heaven and a hell, one of which will be our final destination. But throughout our lives, trust follows us everywhere we go and these trusting relationships that we develop will help lead and guide us. But when it all comes down to it, who can we trust? Skip to main content. Module 3: Definition Essay. Definition essays are a form of expository writing in which the writer provides information about the term to their audience.

They typically follow a standard essay format and include both a definition and an analysis of the term. Review the example essays below and try exploring some of the suggested essay topics, too. You can follow the general structure for an expository essay when writing a definition essay. While the basic pieces of the essay are the same, definition essays should include some key elements. There are basically two types of definition essays. They can define concrete concepts or abstract concepts. They should also provide a larger understanding of the term as a concept. Here first is an example of a definition essay for a concrete concept. What is Wi-Fi, and why do we depend on it so much? Understanding the concept of Wi-Fi is important for users of modern technology because it connects us to the world.

Wi-Fi is the wireless local network between nearby devices, such as wireless routers, computers, smartphones, tablets, or external drives. It is part of the LAN local area network protocols and has largely replaced the wired Ethernet option. When your device has Wi-Fi turned on, it can find the nearest router. If the router is connected to a modem and works with an Internet service provider ISP , your device can now access the Internet and other devices on the network. Wi-Fi covers a much more limited area than a cell phone tower.

However, Wi-Fi does not use expensive cellular data like LTE or 4G. The IEEE Today, most modern computers depend on Wi-Fi for Internet access. Free Wi-Fi is available in many restaurants, hotels, and coffee shops. It is also easy to install in your home for private use. However, even private Wi-Fi connections should be password-protected. Joining an unprotected Wi-Fi network, or allowing others to join your network, could compromise your online safety and privacy. Understanding what Wi-Fi really is can protect you and your information. When used correctly and safely, Wi-Fi is an essential part of the 21st-century experience.

Here is an example definition essay for an abstract concept. Everyone feels afraid from time to time. Bravery is the mindset one takes when facing a challenge that could be dangerous or difficult. The task could be objectively dangerous, such as engaging in battle or driving in adverse conditions. A brave act requires one to face and embrace the task rather than withdraw from it. There are examples of bravery in every community. Look no farther than your local fire station or police station to see acts of bravery. Community heroes help others in small and large ways every day, often at great risk to their own lives. Students are brave when they stand up to a bully or present a project in front of the whole class.

Practicing small acts of bravery can prepare a person to lead a heroic life. If a task does not seem frightening in some way, it would be simple to complete, requiring no bravery at all. Heroes who exhibit bravery often put themselves at risk to help others. No matter how challenging or dangerous a task can be, bravery allows a person to work alongside their fear rather than forget about it. The next time you see someone acting heroically, remind yourself that they are probably terrified in that moment — and that makes them even braver. You just need to ask a question when finding a prompt for a definition essay. Here are some possible topics for your next definition essay.

Note that the list includes both concrete and abstract terms and spans a range of subjects.

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