Friday, January 21, 2022

Organisational behaviour essay

Organisational behaviour essay

Work-Life Balance. on issues vital to organizational welfare when you know you are right 4. Avoiding 1. And thus it is lacking a huge backdrop in organisational behaviour essay of its manpower. It also shows the attribute of the individuals because they are the most value able things Theories of relevance The industrial revelations gave rise to some important facts in which one was the division of labor.

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the paper evaluated the elements of organisational culture applied by the Lenovo company to increase its performance. Essay Kitchen. Сontact Us. Sign In. Forgot password? Not register? Register Now! Our Catalog, organisational behaviour essay. English U. Total cost:. the paper evaluated the elements of organisational culture applied by the Lenovo company to increase its performance source. In order to enhance the success f such groups functioning and operations, organistions have specific management and organisational structure, that help in the allocaton of duties and functions. An organisational corporate cuture can be described organisational behaviour essay the process of shared values and principles among organisational behaviour essay organisational members, which guides and sustains their operations towards goals attainment, organisational behaviour essay.

This essay offers a critical analysis on the organisational behaviour essay of the Lenovo ompany corporate cultue. In order to critically analyse it, th essay first develops a paradigm analysis, evaluating the paradigm orientation to be used, prior to offering a Lenovo Company background. Moreover, the essay presents a critical analysis on the existing literatue on corporate culture, proior to conducting an indepth analysis of the Lenovo Company corporate culture. Finally, organisational behaviour essay, the essay offers recommendations on how the company can improve its corporate culture in the future. Paradigm Applied In the process of analysing organisations, the Burrell and Morgan sociological sciencies model play a key organisational behaviour essay. The model classifies sociological theories applied in organisational analysis into four clusters namely the radical humanist, radical structuralist, interpretive, ad functionalist clusters respectively.

On its part, the proponents of this structure argue that human beings face challenges and social constraints that liit their potential. As such, this is the keysource for existing human desire for change to realize their potential. The paradign perceives the society members s individual members rather than motivated as groups or teams in orgniations. The second cluster, the radical structuralist is based on the objective and change orthogonal dimensions. On its part, the paradigm proponents argue that there exists inherent structural failrs organisational behaviour essay conflicts that have often led to political and economic falires. Thus, the paradigm argues that based on the structural failures and resulting conflicts, individuals result to radicl changes in a bid to correct the situation Deetz, The third cluster is the interpretive paradigm that is based on the subsjetive and regulation orthogonal dimensions.

On its part, organisational behaviour essay, the paradigm proponents seek to understand and evaluate the stability organisational behaviour essay human behaviuor form the individual point of view. In this case, its subjstive nature is based on the assumption that different individuals have different understandings of a phenomenon. Finally, the fourth cluster is the functionalist paradigm based on the objective and regulation dimensions. On its part, the paradigm holds that human beings function rtionaly, and thus their organisational behaviour essay and actions can be understood through an objective evaluation of shared values and principles. Moreover, it perceives change as n ongoing and measurable phenomenon, making it a regulated dimension based phenomenon. The essay will apply the functionalist paradigm analysis approach for organisational behaviour essay Lenovo Company.

On one hand, the paradigm is objective and thus will allow for the collection of data on actions and patterns of events by different employees in the organisation, aligning them as depicting a shared pattern of values and principles. In this regard, the objective dimension allows for the applicaton of the organisational behavior theory, that argues that the different systems and functions in an organisation function rationally and objectively towards a shared goal. Further, its regulation dimension orientation mean that it allows for hypothesis testing, that wll enable the resesrcher develop conclusions on the company corporate culture as well as formulate recommendations based on the hypothesis testing outcomes Van Krieken et al, The Lenovo Company is Chinese market electronics industry set up in as Legend China mainly as an importer for the Chinese government computer and other electronic needs from the global market, However, with increased cost of importations, it evolved to manufacturing its own PCs.

Legend changed its name to Lenovo in as a strategic measure to prepare for its iverseas market venturing. Its entry into the global market PC industry happned in following its acquisition of the IBM Company PC division, a renowned multinational personal computer PC manufacturer and information technology IT consultancy venture Peng, The subsequent organisational operations after the acquisition influenced its organisational culture and operations as the venture expanded its employee and management base from the domestic Chinese market to the diverse global market workforce.

This essay offes ana analysis of the organisational corporate culture in the Lenovo Company PC division as the largest organisational division in the Lenovo Company. Literature Review The functionalist paradigm perceives organisational culture as the supporting tools through which individuals in an organisation are equipped and prepared to meet the both individual and organisational needs. In this case, the functionalist paradigm perceives the organisational corporate culture as an exchange of the external environment and the internal organisational structures to establish a suitable operational balance through which the organisational operations can be effectively successful Mueller, Under the socio-cultural systems theory, organisation culture was classified into two main categories namely the functional and the functional-structural aspects, organisational behaviour essay.

The two functionalist paradigm orientations share one characteristic of evaluating culture over a given and specific period of time. In this case, organisational behaviour essay, both approaches are based on the principle that an organisational culture being an exchange between the external and internal organisational environment, organisational behaviour essay, it changes overtime Alvesson, Therefore, a given culture can only be evaluated over a given specific period of time. However, the two approaches have their share of differences.

On one hand, the functionalist approach argues that the manifestation of culture in organisations is evidenced by their functional necessity aimed at meeting the organisational respective functional needs Moore, Malinowski was among the first proponents of the functionalist theory on corporate culture. In this case, organisational behaviour essay, the author analogy postulated that cultures existed for the sole need of serving the individual society members needs Malinowski, Thus, the analogy asserted that if a culture failed to meet the society needs it would eventually diminish.

The situation is similar for corporate culture. In this case, the theory argued that organisational corporate cultures only exist to meet specific organisational needs, organisational behaviour essay. On one hand, if such a culture fails to meet the stated and intended organisational needs it is eventually changed and a new culture adopted. Moreover, the theory is cognizant of the changing nature of organisations as stipulated under the organisational behaviour theory. As such, in the event that an organisational needs change, based on other system changes, the existing organisational culture eventually changes, in order to allow for the development of a new corporate culture that meets the needs of the new organisational systems and structures. The theory analysis is used as a critical tool in elaborating the presence of different corporate cultures.

As Michailova and Minbaevausing the Danisco Company case study established, besides the existence of an organisational culture, some organisational functions and divisions possess sub-cultures. In this case, the Malinowski theory analysis can be used to offer an explanation for such culture diversity. In this case, although different organisational functions share in the overall organisational strategic goal and objectives, each of the functions has their unique and diverse goals and ob Do you need a custom essay? Order right now:, organisational behaviour essay.

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In the case of an employee with AIDS, I believe that he should allow him to be able to work at the firm because AIDS can infect anyone only through sexual intercourse and blood transfer. If the given firm wishes to grow further, it must undergo some losses Upchurch and Grassman, p. Although these two cases face similar challenges, the suggested outcomes are different. The first case regarding Mark and his colleague Nicole illustrates a highly common problem on interpersonal relationships at the workplace. After being sabotaged, Mark should outperform Nicole and he should try to better the current state of their relationship.

The company does not simply consist of financial elements; it also includes social tensions and dynamics. The main problem of the given case is that Nicole is an over-competitive partner to work with; therefore, Mark feels pressured by her. The correct course of action for Mark would be to defeat Nicole in her own game Berry et al, p. Although they are formally teammates, he should act on them by himself without sharing knowledge with Nicole. Mark possesses an advantageous position because he has valuable connections with partnering companies and firms. I would recommend he get in contact with his friend Ian and openly explain the situation.

At the same time, Mark should try to get along with Nicole by inviting her to lunch or dinner. I would not suggest he complain to head managers, because they do not seem to be interested in resolving the issue. Mark has to either fight for his position and become victorious or keep being bullied by Nicole. I believe the case represents a normal game of power, where people compete with each other for potential rewards. In the case of Sarah, it is a much simpler case to resolve. Although Sarah is a highly ambitious and responsible employee, she should allow other professionals to perform their duties. The cases address the issue of leadership and how leaders are forced to overcome resistance from the masses.

In both cases, CEOs are faced with doubtful questioning and distrust from the board of directors. The given case illustrates how leaders need to adjust their goals according to the expertise of professionals. I am convinced that the CEO should consider CFO advice and change his vision. In the case of CEO Sena Aslan, she should realize that her decision-making approach is the correct one. Sena as a leader must pursue her choice of implementing change because the company needs to grow and flourish. In this case, CEO Mike Trail is faced with strong opposition from employees, who do not wish to adjust to coming changes.

It is a natural occurrence that workers are resilient to adopt the new system; however, Mike as a leader needs to convince them through direct face-to-face discussion Ruben and Gigliotti He must thoroughly and fully explain the reasons behind the transformation and how this system will improve their lives. Organizational Behavior Business: HR Dilemma. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal.

HR dilemma The two business cases are concerned with an HR management problem, which is to hire or fire an employee with a specific issue. Learn More. Leadership theory Description Advantages Disadvantages Path-goal theory This leadership theory considers three main variables: action, interaction, and moods. This suggests that increased interaction and participation in joint activities are associated with increased feelings of mutual sympathy, as well as introducing greater certainty into group norms Jackson 4. The leader in this theory is defined as, first of all, the initiator of the interaction.

Focuses on functionality Dismisses human factors Situational leadership theory A version of the theory of leadership was proposed in by G. Gert and S. Mills Jackson 5. They identified five factors that must be considered when considering the phenomenon of leadership: leader traits, motives, leader images and motives, personal characteristics, institutional context. Flexible and adjustable for the given situation Fails to fully consider the surrounding environment Trait theory The main idea of this approach was the belief that if a leader has qualities that are inherited and distinguish it from others, then these qualities can be distinguished. In-depth analysis of intrapersonal factors Lacks explanations for various circumstances Behavior style theory In general, this behavioral theory of leadership contributed to increasing attention to the issues of learning effective forms of behavior Mayfield and Mayfield 5.

Even, influence of Human relations theory can be seen in CAPCO because it emphasises in maintaining clear flow of information to make communication effective between management and teams so that barriers are less and scope of accessibility is more. In addition, freedom is provided across levels to discuss and share ideas, which help to build employee engagement, relation etc further motivating them to use their potentials fully to achieve best outcomes and deliver efficiency even in volatile environment of financial industry. Thus, employees in CAPCO feel secured to take calculated risk and work on challenges to maintain efficiency in work.

Further, it keeps them motivated to grow within CAPCO increasing their retention rate. García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo and Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, Management is the approach to utilise available resources efficiently to achieve best possible outcomes and profits cost effectively. There are different approaches to management such as:. In both CAPCO and British Gas, all the management approaches i. contingency, decision theory and socio technical systems are feasible. Thus, CAPCO identifies best possible approaches to utilise available resources.

In addition, British Gas invests on researches made to assess its internal and external environment to bring efficiency in its management decisions and process applications. Again, decision theory is suitable for CAPCO as well as British Gas as they use various technical tools and methods such as Cost Benefit analysis, decision matrix to make decisions that are opt to meet demand of clients. Further, the socio technical system theory is also suitable for both organizations as they recognise and then applies social aspects such as preference of clients in case of CAPCO and preference of environment issues in case of British Gas to bring modification and up gradation in its process and applications.

Hence, resources are utilised to meet changes and accomplish organizational objectives. Weske, In other words, a leader is a person inspiring confidence within the followers and drives them to act whereas leadership is the ability of leading other people. Clinton, According to the president of BNB Shield Jordan French, "Leadership is serving the people that work for you by giving them the tools they need to succeed. Your workers should be looking forward to the customer and not backwards, over their shoulders, at you. It also means genuine praise for what goes well and leading by taking responsibility early and immediately if things go bad.

The kind of leadership style the manager adopts further leaves either a positive or a negative influence on the employees conferring to the situation. It is a proven fact that every leadership style has a varied impact on the employee behaviour at the workplace. Miller and Rollnick, CAPCO is a global financial service industry, which at various times depending on the situations has to implement different kinds of changes for adapting the surrounding business environment like technological, political, law and policies etc. One can see that any kind of organizational change that is made within the organization often has to face revolution from the employees, as they might not be mentally prepared for such a change.

At these difficult times, it becomes very important that CAPCO implement the change through change management further ensuring the fruitful implementation of change in the workplace. Take for example, CAPCO might be looking forward for making a change in the client invoicing system, which further might need a radical change in the operations and the way in which the employees work. Therefore, in order to successfully implementing this kind of a change, it is necessary that the employees are made aware about the impending changes well in advance and concurrently encouraging them in giving their feedbacks or suggestions related to the change. A manager who has adopted the autocratic leadership style would implement the change directly by forcing the employees in accepting the change that eventually will negatively influence the employees, as they tend to think in a segregate way and feel been ignored while taking key decisions.

A consultative manager, on the other hand will initially discuss the aspects of the change with the employees ahead of implementing it further creating a positive mindset amid the employees ultimately cultivating the sense of openly accepting a change and preparing to face the challenges that will come with the change. An organization relies on its employees for producing products or providing services in a well-timed manner. While employees learn the tasks and procedures in an effortless way that is needed for carrying out their respective job roles, an organization can be benefited by offering the employees with incentives for phenomenal job performance. Motivational theory is a concept with the help of which an organization keeps the employees motivated for performing both in a group and in their individual job roles.

Schunk and Zimmerman, Motivational theory is helpful in identifying the key factors driving the employees in working towards the achievement of a goal. With a rapid change in the business scenario, more number of organizations are getting inclined on the implementation of motivational theory, as there has been a radical change in their thinking process further making them believe that motivated employees turn out to be more productive and make the best use of available resources. Over the time various motivational theories are defined and are further applied in different business sectors in accordance to their goals and objectives and the existing employees motivational levels.

With the help of motivational theories, managers can easily identify the factors of motivation driving the employees. Furthermore, it also helps the managers in understanding which motivational factors can be applied at different situations. Since CAPCO operates in financial service sector, use of motivational theories keeps the employees motivated in attaining the preset targets. Schunk and Zimmerman, Application of two motivational theories within organizational setting. Maslow has stressed that an individual has various types of needs, which further keeps on changing as the time passes by. By implementing this theory within an organizational setting, the management must make an aim of satisfying the employee needs of a safe and secure workplace conditions and then moving up on the hierarchy by fulfilling the social needs of interaction, team building and cultivating a robust culture.

Herzberg has divided these factors into two categories namely hygienic and motivators. The hygienic factors which Herzberg has identified include job security, company policies, wages, supervision, working condition, relations with colleagues, leadership etc. whereas the motivational factors include recognition, achievements, growth, responsibility, advancement etc. Identification of hygiene and the motivational factors will further help the management in formulating adequate strategies. By adding few added benefits such as incentives or more responsibilities while implementing a change at work will not only keep the employees motivated but will also give them satisfaction.

Having a proper understanding of the motivational theories lets the managers to easily identifying the factor helpful for the employees to work in a more effective way and accordingly reward them when they perform outstandingly. It also is equally important that managers apply motivational theories at work in accordance to the business requirements. Northouse, Take for example, while implementing a certain change within the work process, it is the manager who keeps the employees motivated and convinces them in openly accepting the change. In such a situation, managers need to apply the Herzberg theory for having a better understanding of the reasons behind the dissatisfaction of few employees and identifying the measures for turning them into satisfied employees.

The term group in the context of a workplace like CAPCO can be described as a set of employees who have come together to achieve a shared goal. A group at work is created for effectively meeting the goals within a given timeframe where every member has the opportunity of making equal amount of contributions. Griffin and Moorhead, At CAPCO, consultants groups are formed in order to deal effectively with the customers and give them the best financial solutions. Mentioned below are factors promoting or inhibiting the development of effective teamwork in CAPCO. Technology is a science that is ardent in designing tools, processing actions and obtaining materials.

Technology is a wide term and people have their individual way of understanding its meaning. With the emergence of modern times, technology management is used for accomplishing numerous tasks in both personal and professional lives. Concisely, technology can be described as products, processes or organizations. Technology has become an integral part of human lives for extending the abilities making people a crucial part of any technological system. Tannenbaum, Mathieu, Salas and Cohen, Use of technologies has improved and at times affected team functioning.

As technology keeps on changing thereby, it is important that teams keep themselves updated and cultivate their abilities for effective functioning. Technologies like emails, Smartphone, groupware etc. have improved team functioning. E-mail has allowed asynchronous communication amid team members even if they are not physically present in same place. However, e-mail also has its own adverse aspects such as e-mail misuse. It has been officially announced that UK has more mobile devices in comparison to its population. Emergence of mobile phones has made it easier for the team members in establishing communication when while on the road or in any other is unavailable without affecting the work.

Use of groupware in CAPCO has enabled the teams in planning meetings, collaborate and delegate through a virtual environment that can even be accessed remotely from any place across the globe. At the end it can be concluded that assignment is based on the study of organisational behaviour by taking CAPCO as a case study. The report also highlights leadership styles and the organisational theories within an organisational setting and practices. Use of motivational theories based on its necessities in CAPCO and its effectiveness has been discussed along with the importance of groups and group behaviour.

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Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations Organizational structure defines hierarchy which means chain of command, span of control and communication within an organization. Powell and DiMaggio, In this section, two different structures are compared. Flat structure in CAPCO Tall structure in British Gas CAPCO operates under team driven flat structure where the chain of command from top to bottom level is limited and span of control is wide. Daft, British Gas operates under tall structure where bottom line operatives report to team leaders and then to operational managers. There is little or no existence of bureaucracy in CAPCO Bureaucracy exists in British Gas due to complex command line.

Alvesson, Comparison of culture in CAPCO and British Gas CAPCO British Gas Flat structure of CAPCO supports innovative and entrepreneurial culture where employees experience openness at work, which promotes knowledge sharing and learning. Bock, Opsahl, George and Gann, In addition, employees can conversely access with ease to the top levels thereby having flexible sharing of ideas, information and concerns. Bock, Opsahl, George and Gann, 1. As the number of levels is less, so flow of information and communication is effective and easier which ensures openness and flexibility among employees. Thus, an individual can easily and freely share opinions, have discussions and can express among co-workers as well as with management.

This helps to build strong working relationships with less need for supervision. In addition, it allows higher mentoring and coaching which supports learning environment and coordination among employees. Thus at CAPCO individuals have better access to teams, information and coordination which positively affect their output and behaviour. Organization Culture: CAPCO promotes culture of innovation and entrepreneurship where individuals experience higher flexibility at work, more creativity and openness to share and discuss.

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