Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Essays on personality

Essays on personality

Psychologists should maintain confidentiality, reliability and objectivity for their clients while investigators ought to get and retain evidence and solve the crime. Essay 6. Our services. As individuals, actions are what shape personal identity. Diversity Issues In The Natural Science And The Military Essay Samples. The organized nonsocial offender is the other type of essays on personality. Psychologists can explain better issues like psychopathology that may create roadblocks for investigators.

My Personal Theory Of Personality

Personality is a very complex and multidimensional construct of a human being. No common definition of personality has so far been arrived at. Every individual defines personality in different way which includes trait factors and physical appearance. Personality is a dynamic organization within an individual of those psychological systems that determines his unique adjustment with the environment. It is a sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. As far as physical aspect is concerned it relates to individual charm, attitude while dealing with essays on personality and smiling face can also be included into personality.

Uma Sekaran states that one can examine personality in terms of a set of relatively stable characteristics and tendencies that determine our thoughts, essays on personality and behaviour and which have some continuity or consistency over time. Maddi defines personality thus:. Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those commonalities and differences in the psychological behaviour thoughts, feelings, and actions of people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment. The above definitions indicate the commonality of characteristics and human tendencies amongst people who display consistency in their behaviour over time.

Maddis definition essays on personality that essays on personality do change due to biological and social pressures. Thus by understanding certain dimensions of personality one can predict human behaviour to a great extent. Essay 2. Theories of Personality : Personality Traits :. The traditional approach of understanding personality was to identify and describe personality in terms of traits. Popular characteristics or traits include shyness, aggressiveness, submissiveness, laziness, ambition, loyalty, and timidity. This distinctiveness, when they are exhibited in a large number of situations, is called personality traits, essays on personality. The more consistent the characteristic and the more frequently it occurs in diverse situations, the more important that trait is in describing the individual.

Personality traits are the characteristics of an individual when exhibited in large number of situations. More predominant the traits in an individual are more consistence the individual is and more frequent occurrences in diverse situations. There are thousands of traits that have been identified. Efforts to isolate traits have been stuck because there are so many of them. In one study, as many as 17, essays on personality, individual traits were identified. It is virtually impossible to predict behavior when such a large number of traits must be taken into account. As a result, attention has been directed toward reducing these thousands to a more manageable number. One researcher isolated traits but concluded that they were superficial and lacking in descriptive power.

What he sought was a reduced set of traits that would identify underlying patterns. The result was the identification of 16 personality factors by Cattell, which he called the source, or primary, traits. Based on the answers individual gave them have been classified as on the basis of the answers individuals give to the test, they are classified as:. Cattell isolated traits but concluded that they were superficial and lacking in descriptive power. What he sought was a reduced set of essays on personality that would identify underlying pattern, essays on personality. The essays on personality was the identification of 16 personality factors, which he called the source, or primary traits.

A person who has been classified visionary based the MBTI results has an organised mind, has a great drive for new ideas and purpose. An individual is skeptical, critical and stubborn. He displays traits like working independently and has a high determination to achieve the desired goals, which are often challenging. A person having great organizational ability would be practical, realistic and believes in what he sees. Organizers are generally successful businesspersons, persons involved in basic engineering jobs, and persons who are involved in assembling resources to run the organizations.

Persons who take quick decisions, they are ingenious and good at many things. They are resourceful, problem solver and have a tendency to neglect work, which is of a routine nature. Essay 3. Attributes of Personality : Major personality attributes which affects organizational behaviour is locus of control that is the degree to which people believe that they are masters of their own fate. Essays on personality have both internal locus essays on personality control and external locus of control, only the degree varies. Persons having internal locus of control believe essays on personality they can manipulate events to their advantage and therefore they are capable of deciding their fate For example, essays on personality, a manager having dominant internal locus of control would be able to effectively control resources, essays on personality, decide events, which benefits him.

Essays on personality manipulates communications, resources, events, programmes in such a way that enhances his position and he creates an aura around him that he is an indispensable person. Individual feels that he is decider of his own future and that no external events power can interfere with it. Person having dominant external locus of control believe that what happen to them is controlled by outside forces such as luck or chance. These types of people lack initiative, decision-making and do not even take calculated risk. They wait and see events take place and things happen. Essay 4. Concepts of Basic and Modal Personality: The extensive influence of culture on the developing personality is so self- evident that psychologists were inclined to come to the conclusion that every culture through its institutions, like the family and the community and also through its mythology, folklore and symbolic agents develops in the members, essays on personality, a basic common essays on personality personality.

This view was first postulated by Abram Kardiner. According to Kardiner, the primary institutions in a culture like the family and the community in simple tribal communities, the community itself is almost an extended family mould the character and the personality through its socialization practices. These attitudes, behaviour patterns and predispositions are later projected on to the secondary institutions. Citing the instance of the Alorese tribe where the parents are not perceived as significant helpers in view of the relative neglect of the child by the parents, responses to projective techniques revealed that though the members of the community believed in a deity, there was no strong attitude to idealize the deity. Similarly among the Marquesans anxiety about food experienced during childhood, resulted in a number of projective responses that were projected on the customs and rituals.

Related to the concept of Basic Essays on personality is the concept of Modal Personality postulated by Inkeles, Levinson, Linton and others. According to this view though there may not be a typical basic personality evident in all the people of society, especially in a complex and heterogeneous modern society, certain personality characteristics seem to occur with greater frequency among the adult members of the society, essays on personality. Thus very often one hears of the characteristics of the Japanese, the Germans, the Americans, the British and many other groups. The Germans are often described as autocratic, strong willed, high on power essays on personality and proud. The British are described as cold, conservative and prudish, the Americans as ambitious, light-hearted, frivolous, etc, essays on personality.

Here one may see a difference between the concept of basic personality and the concept of modal personality; the former is based on psychoanalytic theory and logic, while the later is simply statistical. Further, the concept of basic personality comes in only where people share a common culture, whereas the concept of modal personality being purely essays on personality can cut across different categories of people, and subcultures within a society. Another term which is related to those two is the term National Character. There have been a lot of theoretical arguments for and against the validity of this concept, though a fair amount of empirical evidence has been accumulated.

The work was stimulated by an observation of the Japanese soldiers during the War. While the Americans claimed that they fought the war for upholding the nationality and sovereignty of their country, the Japanese soldiers believed that they had essays on personality duty to accord to every nation its place in the hierarchy of nations, of course, theirs being at the top. The Japanese soldier was highly concerned about his public image, essays on personality, would commit suicide, rather than surrender, and surprisingly, when the emperor called off the war and decided to surrender, there was not a murmur of protest even though Japan was by no means defeated.

The Japanese proved to be model prisoners and their loyalty to their emperor was unquestioned, essays on personality. Benedict traces these characteristics to the predominance of hierarchy in every walk of Japanese life — in the essays on personality, in the society and in politics. The Japanese are a proud people and are reluctant to accept help from outside. The sense of shame is very strong and the Japanese would rather commit suicide than suffer shame. A similar attempt to study the national character was the study of Fromm on the Nazi character. According to Fromm, one section of the German population, mainly the working class, the liberal and the catholic bowed to Hitler without any resistance.

Another section, the lower middle class, shop-keepers, artisans and blue collared workers believed and accepted Nazism. Fromm, on the basis of historical, social and cultural analysis, essays on personality, observed that the second category which was almost faced with scarcity tended to become authoritarian. Hitler was a typical representative of this lower middle class. According to Fromm, a high degree of emphasis on moral quality, fear of authority and obedience for authority were common among the Germans. There have also been a few attempts to study the Indian Character, though mostly these have been amateurish and impressionistic, and in practice lacking in methodological rigour.

According to Spratt, who based his analysis on the psychoanalytic theory, the Indian Personality is narcissistic and hence inward directed. Essays on personality further feature of the narcissistic personality is that the chasm between the ideal and the real does not produce any dissonance or anxiety. The Indians have a remarkable capacity to tolerate hypocrisy, dishonesty and also preach high morals at the same time and also rationalise such discrepancies. Ample evidence in this regard is available, essays on personality. People who are in high positions with very serious records of corruption and criminality, and bad characters, are not only tolerated but respected and even receive adulations.

Other traits attributed to the Indian character are dependent and collective rather than individualistic, abnormally high in essays on personality of dissonance etc. However, it must be said that while the essays on personality to essays on personality the various profiles of national character is rather slim, at the same time one cannot simply discard these concepts, essays on personality, and only well planned researches can help us to understand the general traits, characteristics and pre-dispositions of people. Such findings can be very helpful in planning national developmental programmes.

Essay 5. Orientation of Personality : 1. Achievement Orientation:. Achievement orientation of an individual also indicates the personality of an individual. Every person possesses need to achieve nAch phenomenon in his personality. It could be high degree nAch or low degree. A person who possesses high nAch displays very dominant personality. He is generally very ambitious, hard-working and fixes his goal at a very high level and strives to achieve the same. He is achievement oriented and undertakes a task which is neither easy, because easy task is generally attained by a common person nor a very challenging or tough task because there would be chances of failure of achieving the same.

He therefore prefers to undertake task of intermediate nature so that its achievement would satisfy him to a large extent and he would feel that he is above than the normal individual. People having high nAch are found to be good organizers, efficient managers. Sports persons are generally high achievers as they strive to achieve that extra point or mark than his competitors. High nAch generally do well as sale persons as it calls for hard work and achieving higher targets of sales every time, essays on personality.

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Persons who take quick decisions, they are ingenious and good at many things. They are resourceful, problem solver and have a tendency to neglect work, which is of a routine nature. Essay 3. Attributes of Personality : Major personality attributes which affects organizational behaviour is locus of control that is the degree to which people believe that they are masters of their own fate. People have both internal locus of control and external locus of control, only the degree varies. Persons having internal locus of control believe that they can manipulate events to their advantage and therefore they are capable of deciding their fate For example, a manager having dominant internal locus of control would be able to effectively control resources, decide events, which benefits him.

He manipulates communications, resources, events, programmes in such a way that enhances his position and he creates an aura around him that he is an indispensable person. Individual feels that he is decider of his own future and that no external events power can interfere with it. Person having dominant external locus of control believe that what happen to them is controlled by outside forces such as luck or chance. These types of people lack initiative, decision-making and do not even take calculated risk. They wait and see events take place and things happen. Essay 4.

Concepts of Basic and Modal Personality: The extensive influence of culture on the developing personality is so self- evident that psychologists were inclined to come to the conclusion that every culture through its institutions, like the family and the community and also through its mythology, folklore and symbolic agents develops in the members, a basic common core personality. This view was first postulated by Abram Kardiner. According to Kardiner, the primary institutions in a culture like the family and the community in simple tribal communities, the community itself is almost an extended family mould the character and the personality through its socialization practices.

These attitudes, behaviour patterns and predispositions are later projected on to the secondary institutions. Citing the instance of the Alorese tribe where the parents are not perceived as significant helpers in view of the relative neglect of the child by the parents, responses to projective techniques revealed that though the members of the community believed in a deity, there was no strong attitude to idealize the deity. Similarly among the Marquesans anxiety about food experienced during childhood, resulted in a number of projective responses that were projected on the customs and rituals.

Related to the concept of Basic Personality is the concept of Modal Personality postulated by Inkeles, Levinson, Linton and others. According to this view though there may not be a typical basic personality evident in all the people of society, especially in a complex and heterogeneous modern society, certain personality characteristics seem to occur with greater frequency among the adult members of the society. Thus very often one hears of the characteristics of the Japanese, the Germans, the Americans, the British and many other groups. The Germans are often described as autocratic, strong willed, high on power motive and proud. The British are described as cold, conservative and prudish, the Americans as ambitious, light-hearted, frivolous, etc.

Here one may see a difference between the concept of basic personality and the concept of modal personality; the former is based on psychoanalytic theory and logic, while the later is simply statistical. Further, the concept of basic personality comes in only where people share a common culture, whereas the concept of modal personality being purely statistical can cut across different categories of people, and subcultures within a society. Another term which is related to those two is the term National Character. There have been a lot of theoretical arguments for and against the validity of this concept, though a fair amount of empirical evidence has been accumulated. The work was stimulated by an observation of the Japanese soldiers during the War. While the Americans claimed that they fought the war for upholding the nationality and sovereignty of their country, the Japanese soldiers believed that they had the duty to accord to every nation its place in the hierarchy of nations, of course, theirs being at the top.

The Japanese soldier was highly concerned about his public image, would commit suicide, rather than surrender, and surprisingly, when the emperor called off the war and decided to surrender, there was not a murmur of protest even though Japan was by no means defeated. The Japanese proved to be model prisoners and their loyalty to their emperor was unquestioned. Benedict traces these characteristics to the predominance of hierarchy in every walk of Japanese life — in the family, in the society and in politics. The Japanese are a proud people and are reluctant to accept help from outside. The sense of shame is very strong and the Japanese would rather commit suicide than suffer shame.

A similar attempt to study the national character was the study of Fromm on the Nazi character. According to Fromm, one section of the German population, mainly the working class, the liberal and the catholic bowed to Hitler without any resistance. Another section, the lower middle class, shop-keepers, artisans and blue collared workers believed and accepted Nazism. Fromm, on the basis of historical, social and cultural analysis, observed that the second category which was almost faced with scarcity tended to become authoritarian. Hitler was a typical representative of this lower middle class.

According to Fromm, a high degree of emphasis on moral quality, fear of authority and obedience for authority were common among the Germans. There have also been a few attempts to study the Indian Character, though mostly these have been amateurish and impressionistic, and in practice lacking in methodological rigour. According to Spratt, who based his analysis on the psychoanalytic theory, the Indian Personality is narcissistic and hence inward directed. A further feature of the narcissistic personality is that the chasm between the ideal and the real does not produce any dissonance or anxiety. The Indians have a remarkable capacity to tolerate hypocrisy, dishonesty and also preach high morals at the same time and also rationalise such discrepancies.

Ample evidence in this regard is available. People who are in high positions with very serious records of corruption and criminality, and bad characters, are not only tolerated but respected and even receive adulations. Other traits attributed to the Indian character are dependent and collective rather than individualistic, abnormally high in tolerance of dissonance etc. However, it must be said that while the evidence to support the various profiles of national character is rather slim, at the same time one cannot simply discard these concepts, and only well planned researches can help us to understand the general traits, characteristics and pre-dispositions of people. Such findings can be very helpful in planning national developmental programmes. Essay 5. Orientation of Personality : 1.

Achievement Orientation:. Achievement orientation of an individual also indicates the personality of an individual. Every person possesses need to achieve nAch phenomenon in his personality. It could be high degree nAch or low degree. A person who possesses high nAch displays very dominant personality. He is generally very ambitious, hard-working and fixes his goal at a very high level and strives to achieve the same. He is achievement oriented and undertakes a task which is neither easy, because easy task is generally attained by a common person nor a very challenging or tough task because there would be chances of failure of achieving the same. He therefore prefers to undertake task of intermediate nature so that its achievement would satisfy him to a large extent and he would feel that he is above than the normal individual.

People having high nAch are found to be good organizers, efficient managers. Sports persons are generally high achievers as they strive to achieve that extra point or mark than his competitors. High nAch generally do well as sale persons as it calls for hard work and achieving higher targets of sales every time. Close to the personality trait that a person possesses who is achievement oriented is a person who believes in having a reasonably high authority in the organization Theory of authoritarianism is related with status and power. The theory states that there should be status and power difference between various people in the organization.

While there would be some people who will have more power and authority hence more authoritative yet there would be people with low power and authority hence minimum degree of being authoritative. One would therefore find in an organization, people with low authority and high authority. Person who possesses high authoritarian is intellectually rigid, they display varied behaviour patterns. They are submissive with those who are superior senior to them and behave in an exploitative manner to those who are subordinates or below them. They resist change and display insensitivity while dealing with people. They are task oriented. Niccolo Machivelli introduced theory of Machivellianism. The theory refers to degree to which an individual is pragmatic and maintains emotional distance with co­workers while accomplishing any task.

A person having High Machivellianism H Mach generally displays variety of personality traits like manipulation, win more, persuade others to do a work while they do not get persuaded by others. They generally flourish in face-to- face situation where there are minimum rules and have enough space for maneuver. They have high bargaining skills and believe in giving substantial rewards to their subordinates on accomplishment of tasks. They are highly productive. Machivelli believed in one doctrine, that a work must be finished whatever be the means. Most recent studies indicate that self-esteem plays an important moderating role in areas such as emotional and behavioural responses and stress of organizational members.

People having high degree of self-esteem take more risk in job selection and take up unconventional assignments while those possessing low self-esteem display dependency, seek approval from others for the decision they make, respect others and seek confirmation in beliefs. Managers with low self-esteem do not take unpopular stand, which may lead to displeasing others. Self-monitoring is related to self-efficacy. It is situation specific. A person must always examine efficiency and attribute it to his behaviour with subordinates and improve upon it. This quality displays high degree of adaptability and high sensitivity of an individual. A person possessing self-monitoring trait is likely to behave differently in different situation.

Risk taking trait is commonly seen in various entrepreneurs. They display rapid decision making ability. In the movie steel toes Danny Dunckelman who is an advocate of the high court is appointed to represent mike who is arrested for the murder of an Indian man. Both of them have racial segregation that each loathes. Danny is a Jew who has a loathing for other races and considers them skin heads. His client is a tough country man. Despite all this differences Danny is a committed human activist who believes in justice for all. He prepares mike well for his trial and makes him feel the effects of the misguided life he has been leading. Through constant repetition and emphasis Danny was able to make mark change his crude personality to a human one.

He represents him in court well and mike is able to avoid the long sentence of murder and instead he is charged for manslaughter. Thus compassion and forgiveness is symbolized by Danny and accepted by mike. Thus some aspects of personality such as forgiveness and compassion are inborn such as the deep touching statement by the Indian on his death bed when he forgave mike. Other aspects such as the crude personality exhibited by mike can be changed or are just acquired or learnt. The example above argues or proves the argument that some aspects of personality can be changed.

This is the leant aspects as a result of the interaction between nature and nurture. However some are biologically transmuted or acquired. Identical twins have same personality traits. There are eight aspects of personality that may hardly change. these are:. The conscious ego, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. This part of personality cannot be changed regardless of practice. Some people can process information faster than others while children of the same biological parents score differently on an IQ test. They are acquired as a result of social interaction. With reinforcement and punishment they can be changed.

They include dimensions of personality and personal characteristics. These aspect advocates for the spiritual fulfillment and achievement. Baldwin, M. Understanding and modifying the relational schemas underlying insecurity. Baldwin Ed. Psychological Science, 18, — We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied.

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