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Essay environmental protection

Essay environmental protection

We should take it as our responsibility to create awareness regarding this and do whatever we can to save the environment. You will definitely like the environmental pollution essay related to the environment written by us. The act of protecting the environment from being polluted is called environmental protection, essay environmental protection. Too many people are dependent on oil for essay environmental protection variety of things, including gasoline and heating sources. Doing nothing might lead to severe consequences for our environment. Each person needs to accept responsibility for their planet and make the changes necessary to keep the planet functioning for as long as possible.

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Read environmental protection essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Know more about an essay environmental protection in English for students in words. The process of protecting the environment from pollution and exploitation is referred to as environmental protection. The overarching goal of protecting the environment is to make it a essay environmental protection place for the present and future generations. The environment is continuously facing degradation due to human activities and thus our planet is on the verge of depletion. People are exploiting the natural resources without giving a thought to its adverse consequences on the earth and its living beings, essay environmental protection.

However, we can still come together and save our environment from the inhumane activities. Ways to safeguard the environment: 1. People should start conserving water which is the most essential component of life. We should close all essay environmental protection after use and should encourage rainwater harvesting to preserve water and combat the water crisis. Save electricity by switching off all the lights and devices when not in use. Try to incorporate solar energy panels that do not cause any pollution and contribute to sustainable living. We should use public transport to reduce air pollution levels. Also, we must not throw waste into the water bodies to prevent water pollution. Recycling and reuse of products must be encouraged along with the use of paper bags instead of plastic ones.

Promote afforestation and reforestation to increase green cover on the earth. Do not waste food and water, essay environmental protection. The food and water you waste hold much value to the people who do not get it easily. Conclusion: Hence, these are some of the activities that can contribute to protecting the environment. It is the responsibility of every citizen to save the environment from being depleted. It is high time to take steps to protect the environment and bring positive changes in society. The government, on the other hand, should take measures to combat environmental pollution and people should come up with some eco-friendly techniques to protect the environment.

Environment Essay. Importance of Trees Essay. Your email essay environmental protection will not be published. Search for:. Environmental Protection Essay Read environmental protection essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, essay environmental protection, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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People should start conserving water which is the most essential component of life. We should close all taps after use and should encourage rainwater harvesting to preserve water and combat the water crisis. Save electricity by switching off all the lights and devices when not in use. Try to incorporate solar energy panels that do not cause any pollution and contribute to sustainable living. We should use public transport to reduce air pollution levels. Also, we must not throw waste into the water bodies to prevent water pollution. Recycling and reuse of products must be encouraged along with the use of paper bags instead of plastic ones.

Promote afforestation and reforestation to increase green cover on the earth. Do not waste food and water. Environmental protection refers to the act of protecting the environment from being destroyed. The health of our mother earth is deteriorating day by day. The human being is mostly responsible for environmental degradation on this blue planet. But we can definitely stop the environment from being polluted more. Thus the term environmental protection arises. The environmental protection agency , a US-based organization is putting continuous effort to conserve the environment.

In India, we have an environmental protection law. But still, the growth of manmade environmental pollution has not been seen controlled. We all know the importance of environmental protection. In the name of upgradation of lifestyle, the human being is causing harm to the environment. In this era of development, our environment is facing a lot of destruction. It has become very much necessary to stop the condition from getting worse than what it is now. Thus there arises an awareness of environmental protection in the world. Some factors like the growth of population, illiteracy, deforestation are responsible for environmental pollution on this earth.

The human being is the only animal on this earth who plays an active role in the destruction of the environment. So it is none but only human being can play a vital role in the conservation of the environment. A US-based organization the Environmental Protection Agency is doing a lot to spread awareness among people to conserve the environment. In Indian constitution, we have environmental protection laws that try to protect the environment from the cruel clutch of the human. The environment has been providing free service to all the living organisms on this earth from the very first day of this earth. But now the health of this environment is seen deteriorating on a daily basis due to the negligence of men. The gradual deterioration of the environment is leading us towards the doomsday.

So there is an urgent need of environmental protection. A number of environmental protection agency are formed across the globe to protect the environment from being destroyed. In India, the environment protection act is forced with an attempt to protect the environment. This environmental protection law is implemented after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in All these efforts are only to protect the environment from more degradation. But still, the health of the environment has not been improved as expected. A united effort is required for environmental protection. There are six different environmental protection laws in India.

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