Wednesday, March 2, 2022

An essay on patriotism

An essay on patriotism

I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. But certain false patriots do exist. In the past, many people have served their countries and even laid down their lives for it. Schools and colleges should take the initiative to invite children with a sense of love and respect for their country. It teaches passion, an essay on patriotism, love, and sacrifices towards our motherland.

Short and Long Essays on Patriotism

In this post, you will read an Essay on Patriotism for students in Words. It includes ideology behind patriotism, its importance, history, and about how it works? Patriotism can be defined as the quality of becoming patriotic. Patriotic is someone who has respect, loyalty, and devotion towards his nation and robust support for the homeland. We have such a sense of solidarity with other people. People have an emotional relationship with their country and so this an essay on patriotism is often referred to as national sentiment and national pride, an essay on patriotism. Patriotism was firmly related to a collection of nationalist ideals and is often even used synonymously. But perhaps the key difference between these two concepts would be that the patriot felt proud of his heritage at what it does, and no matter what it does; the nationalist makes it feel proud of his nation.

Therefore patriotism creates a feeling of duty while patriotism establishes a sense of arrogance and ignorance, which may even lead to chaos. It implies defending the country in every possible way, working for their battlement or willingness to protect their own lives whenever necessary. They were worshipped mostly by their peasants and honored throughout the world. Today they have suffered great hardships for their country and even sometimes have sacrificed a lot of an essay on patriotism for freedom. By self-sacrifice, they receive an immortalized name.

Thus many patriots win the hearts and minds of their countrymen after potentially losing many things, including their lives. In the past, particularly during the most British rule over India, several people have fought for their country or even sacrificed an essay on patriotism lives for an essay on patriotism. Yet there are several people who continue to fight for their country with the same dedication and are ready to lay down their lives to protect their homeland against intruders or invaders. Indian revolutionaries were packed with feelings and patriotism and have never thought about their life.

As such, they selflessly operated for the country. Also now, many people serve our country in whatever form they can, in absolute commitment. Both the parents an essay on patriotism teachers need to make efforts to instill the spirit for patriotism throughout the generations to come. Several educational organizations, except on 15th August as well as 26th January, organize classes, events, and activities. By this time, the sense of patriotism seemed to overtake the whole country. Such an environment needs to be developed not only on these crucial dates but also in general.

A nation in which the youth love this country and are motivated to socially and economically change its condition will have a better chance of growing and developing. For our country, we should have respect, affection, and a sense of community, and at the same time, we should not hate certain countries. To prevent the conflicts here between two nations from breaking out, an essay on patriotism, we not only should love our country and also have reverence for other countries. Our flag was not only a piece of cloth with colors on it, although it is a symbol of pride, an essay on patriotism, liberty, devotion, and is colored by the blood of those that have died in protection.

And so when a person realizes they can an essay on patriotism a true patriot, an essay on patriotism, they encourage those behind him to work to create a powerful, better, and prosperous country. He seems to be a true patriot that can give away his career and everything for his country. A nationalist puts the importance of the land before his own. He is trying to lead people to such a proper way of living. He was kind, compassionate, genuine, and honest. But certain false patriots do exist.

They were men of neither faith nor character. They were selfish. We live on our own in such a small world. The true patriot works for his mother country and dies. That kind of nationalist is everlasting, an essay on patriotism. Among these people are modern-day Rajendra Prasad, Jawaharlal NehruSubhash Chandra Boseand many others. Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, and others have been among many of the Ancients. A nationalist must think not only of national interest but from the international community as well. He has to climb above emotions at home.

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The tricolor is hoisted in schools, colleges, public places, and many places. Happy and patriotic environments prevail on this day. But we forget our patriots after the ending of the day. It is not true patriotic. If anyone neither does have any discipline or character nor do have any sense of morality and sacrifice. They are the enemies of the country. So, we should keep patriotism throughout the year. Patriotism is not only mean fighting for the country and shedding blood. It also includes a sense of responsibility, true love for the country; think about the progress of the country is also patriotism. We must contribute our role towards making better of society. We can start by implementing a good education system, helping the needy and poor people in society, become a part of economic development and act an initiative role in removing social evils.

Also, we can play our role by donating relief funds to the recognized trusts. Equality is an important aspect of patriotism which includes seeing everyone as equals irrespective of caste, color, and religion. Voting for our rulers in the country is also a crucial part. It helps the citizen of the nation to get better facilities. So all we should vote for choosing the right leader. It is also part of patriotism. Doctors, scientists, politicians, soldiers, and other citizens express their patriotism through their hard work for the service of the nation. It is seen in critical situations such as war, pandemics, natural disasters, and national emergencies. In the coronavirus pandemic, our doctors and nurses proved their devotion toward their country.

True patriots always love to live and die for their motherland. They are honored and commended in life and also after death. Such a patriot is immortal. Among such great men are Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabh Patel , Dr. Our country has had many patriots in the past and many still exist today. However, the spirit of patriotism was particularly visible among the people of India during British rule. Bhagat Singh is known as a true patriot, he was certainly to free our country from the clutches of the British government. He participated in various freedom struggles and started a revolution and he was so dedicated to his mission that he did not think twice before sacrificing his life for his motherland.

Apart from being part of various independence movements to drive the British out of the country, Bose also promoted Hindu-Muslim unity. Famous singer Sarojini Naidu of her time was also a patriot of heart, he participated in the freedom struggle and contributed to liberate the country from British rule. He played an important role in the Civil Disobedience Movement, which led to his arrest along with other prominent freedom fighters. He was also arrested during the Quit India movement but his patriotic feelings were not suppressed.

The government, schools and other institutions should take initiative to develop the spirit of patriotism among the citizens. Patriotism is fading with the passage of time, this is rarely seen in the younger generation these days. A selfish person is one who always thinks of himself and puts his interests above all and on the other hand, patriotism is all about loving a country selflessly. A person who is very engrossed in himself and gives great importance to himself and his needs, can never be a patriot. Everyone is busy earning money to make their lives more comfortable and better than those around them. There is hardly area to think of anything else in such a scenario. Love for the country and serving the country is almost forgotten these days.

Instead of working towards the betterment of one country and contributing to its development, the youth of today are moving to other countries in search of a better lifestyle. If such a mentality exists in the minds of those who were around years ago, they would never have unitedly fought for the freedom of the country. While many claimed that the British were patriots during his reign, some of them were false patriots who took advantage of the situation to pursue their selfish motives. Even today, there are many people who truly love and respect their country, while some pretend to do so.

A true patriot is one who is dedicated to serving his nation, he puts the interests of his country and countrymen first and is willing to sacrifice everything for the good of his country. On the other hand, a false patriot is one who claims to love his country and shows that he is publicly patriotic. Patriotism is natural in some people while in others it can developed. A sense of patriotism is required for the well-being and development of a country. Those who are true patriots work towards building their nation in whichever way they can. Here are essays on Patriotism of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Patriotism essay as per your interest:. Many people in the past have served their countries and even laid their lives for it. Many people still continue to serve their country with as much devotion.

Indian freedom fighters were filled with the feeling of patriotism. They did not care about themselves and worked selflessly for the nation. Even today, many people are dedicated towards serving the nation in whatever way they can. However, the feeling of patriotism is slowly fading. The youth today does not feel as strongly for his country as people of the earlier generations felt. The elderly people must make an effort to instil the feeling of patriotism in their children. Institutions such as schools and colleges must also promote the same. The youth of the country must love and respect the country and work towards building it strong. Patriots are known to love their country unconditionally and are proud of it. Every country in the world has its set of patriots — people who are ready to do anything for their country.

However, the spirit of patriotism seems to be fading these days owing to the growing competition in every field as well as the changing lifestyle of people. In the past, particularly during the British reign, many people came forward to instil the feeling of patriotism among their fellow countrymen. Patriots held meetings, gave lectures and used various other means to inspire the people around them. In the same way, a feeling of patriotism must be instilled in the young generation today too. This must be done when they are still young. Schools and colleges must take initiative to instil children with a feeling of love and respect for their country.

Many institutions host functions and organize events on 15 th August and 26 th January. Patriotic songs are sung and a feeling of patriotism seems to engulf the entire nation around that time. But is this real patriotism? Such an atmosphere must be created in general and not just around these special dates. It is then that such a feeling will be instilled in the heart of every citizen forever. A nation where the youth loves the country and is driven towards improving its condition socially and economically would certainly grow better.

A true patriot is the one who works hard for the betterment of his country. He contributes his bit towards improving the condition of his country in whatever way he can. A true patriot does not only work towards building his nation but also inspires those around him to do so. The feeling of patriotism means having the feeling of immense love for ones country. There have been a number of patriots in our country in the past and there are many present today. However, the feeling of patriotism among the people of India could especially be seen during the British reign. Bhagat Singh is known to be a true patriot. He was driven towards freeing our country from the clutches of the British government. He participated in various freedom struggles and began a revolution.

He was so dedicated towards his mission that he did not think twice before sacrificing his life for his motherland. He proved to be an inspiration for numerous citizens. He was known for his strong ideologies. Besides being a part of various freedom movements to drive the British out of the country, Bose also promoted Hindu-Muslim unity. Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak was infused with the feeling of patriotism. He condemned the British government for its brutal treatment.

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