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Reader response essay

Reader response essay

This reader response essay requires good knowledge of the text and may involve direct quotations, reader response essay. Completing some or all of these sample statements can help you with this process. Fear of SARS or Swine flue causes many people to wear face masks. I once again appreciate your efforts. How to write a response essay? She talks about hоw her mother was thе one who taught hеr to be independent and how she was the person who taught her to be happy.

Sample Reading Response Paper

We have examined many schools of literary criticism. Here you will find an in-depth look at one of them: Reader-Response. In each of reader response essay cases, do not simply criticize, but give examples. The text is the compass and map, the reader is the explorer. However, the explorer cannot disregard those unexpected boulders in the path which he or she encounters along the reader response essay that are not written on the map. Likewise, the woman reader does not come to the text without outside influences. She comes with her experiences as a woman—a professional woman, a reader response essay, a single mother.

Her reading, then, reader response essay, is influenced by her experiences. Mitty as a domineering, mothering wife, or rebel against that picture and become angry at the society which sees her that way, reader response essay. Due to pre-existing sociosexual standards, reader response essay, women see characters, family structures, even societal structures from the bottom as an oppressed group rather than from a powerful position on the top, as men do, reader response essay. Using this argument, it becomes clear that a woman reader Partner A when faced with a text written by a man Partner B will most likely succumb to the perspective of the writer and she is thus forced to misread the text.

Or, she could rebel against the text and raise an angry, feminist voice in protest. She is portrayed by Walter Mitty as a horrible, mothering nag. As a way of escaping her constant griping, reader response essay, he imagines fantastic daydreams which carry him away from Mrs. Not only is his wife annoying to him, but she is also distant and reader response essay from what he cares about, like a stranger. When she does speak to him, it seems reflective of the way a mother would speak to a child. For example, Mrs. Have you lost your gloves? Mitty asked of him. Finally, the clearest way in which Mrs. Not only is Mrs. Mitty portrayed as a mothering, bothersome hen, but she is ultimately described as that which will be the death of Walter Mitty. Mitty is a direct literary descendant of the first woman to be stereotyped as a nagging wife, Dame Van Winkle, the creation of the American writer, Washington Irving.

Likewise, Walter Mitty is a reflection of his dreaming predecessor, Rip Van Winkle, who falls into a deep sleep for a hundred years and awakes to the relief of finding out that his nagging wife has died. So how does a woman reader respond to this portrayal of Mrs. She would sympathize with Mitty, as Thurber wants us to do, and see domineering women in her own life that resemble Mrs. She may see her mother and remember all the times that she nagged her about zipping up her coat against the bitter winter wind. Or the female reader might identify Mrs.

She could see the faults in a relationship that is too controlled by a woman and recognize that a man needs to feel important and dominant in his relationship with his wife, reader response essay. The female reader could simply misread the text. Or, the female reader could rebel against the text. She could see Mrs. Mitty as a woman who is trying to do her best to keep her husband well and cared for. She could see Walter reader response essay a man with a fleeting grip on reality who daydreams that he is a fighter pilot, a brilliant surgeon, a gun expert, or a military hero, when he actually is a poor driver with a slow reaction time to a green traffic light, reader response essay.

This, for most women, would cause anger at Mitty and indirectly Thurber for creating and promoting a society which believes that women need to stay subservient to men. From a male point reader response essay view, it becomes a battle of the sexes. I found myself initially wishing that Mrs. Mitty would just let Walter daydream in peace, reader response essay. But after reading the story again and paying attention to the portrayal of Mrs. Mitty, I realized that it is imperative that women rebel against the texts that would reader response essay them. By misreading a text, the woman reader response essay understands it in a way that is conventional and acceptable to the literary world.

But in so doing, she is also distancing herself from the text, not fully embracing it reader response essay its meaning in her life. By rebelling against the text, the female reader not only reader response essay to understand the point of view of the author and the male audience, but she also has to formulate her own opinions and create a sort of dialogue between the text and herself. Rebelling against the text and the stereotypes encourages an active dialogue between the woman and the text which, in turn, guarantees an active and most likely angry reader response.

I became a resisting reader. Elias, Robert H, reader response essay. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research, Fetterley, reader response essay, Judith. The Resisting Reader. Bloomington: Indiana UP, Hasley, Louis. Iser, Wolfgang, reader response essay. The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, Lindner, Carl M. Rosenblatt, Louise M. Literature as Exploration. New York: MLA, Thurber, James. William Vesterman. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, Tompkins, Jane P. Jane P. Skip to main content. Module 4: Literary Analysis. Search for:. Reader-Response Criticism Summary We have examined many schools of literary criticism. The Purpose of Reader-Response Reader-response suggests that the role of the reader is essential to the meaning of a text, for only in the reading experience does the literary work come alive.

Thus, the purpose of a reading response is examining, explaining, and reader response essay your personal reaction to a text. There is no right or wrong answer to a reading response. Nonetheless, it is important that you demonstrate an understanding of the reading and clearly explain and support your reactions. Thus, do not summarize the contents of the text at length. Instead, take a systematic, analytical approach to the text. Write as a Scholar When writing a reader-response write as an educated adult addressing other adults or fellow scholars.

Instead, they may conclude that you are dull and boring, that you are too immature or uneducated to understand what important things the author wrote, reader response essay. principlefor example: Is the text racist? Does the text unreasonably puts down things, such as religion, or groups of people, such as women or adolescents, conservatives or democrats, etc? Does the text include factual errors or outright lies? It is too dark and despairing? Is it falsely positive? formfor example: Is the text poorly written? Is it too emotional or too childish? Does it have too many facts and figures? Are there typos or other errors in the text?

Do the ideas wander around without making a point? Choosing a text to study is the first step in writing a reader-response essay. title of the work reader response essay which you are responding; the author; and the main thesis of the text. Then, do your best to answer the questions below. Remember, however, that you are writing an essay, not filling out a short-answer worksheet, reader response essay. You do not need to work through these questions in order, one by one, in your essay. Rather, your paper as a whole should be sure to address these questions in some way. What does the text have to do with you, personally, and with your life past, present or future?

It is not acceptable to write that reader response essay text has NOTHING to do with you, since just about everything humans can write has to do in some way with every other human. How much does the text agree or clash with your view of the world, and what you consider right and wrong? Use several quotes as examples of how it agrees with and supports what you think about the world, about right and wrong, and about what you think it is to be human. Use quotes and examples to discuss how the text disagrees with what you think about the world and about right and wrong. What did you learn, and how much were your views and opinions challenged or changed by this text, if at all?

Did the text communicate with you?

preservation of environment essay

Mitty as a woman who is trying to do her best to keep her husband well and cared for. She could see Walter as a man with a fleeting grip on reality who daydreams that he is a fighter pilot, a brilliant surgeon, a gun expert, or a military hero, when he actually is a poor driver with a slow reaction time to a green traffic light. This, for most women, would cause anger at Mitty and indirectly Thurber for creating and promoting a society which believes that women need to stay subservient to men. From a male point of view, it becomes a battle of the sexes. I found myself initially wishing that Mrs.

Mitty would just let Walter daydream in peace. But after reading the story again and paying attention to the portrayal of Mrs. Mitty, I realized that it is imperative that women rebel against the texts that would oppress them. By misreading a text, the woman reader understands it in a way that is conventional and acceptable to the literary world. But in so doing, she is also distancing herself from the text, not fully embracing it or its meaning in her life. By rebelling against the text, the female reader not only has to understand the point of view of the author and the male audience, but she also has to formulate her own opinions and create a sort of dialogue between the text and herself.

Rebelling against the text and the stereotypes encourages an active dialogue between the woman and the text which, in turn, guarantees an active and most likely angry reader response. I became a resisting reader. Elias, Robert H. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research, Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader. Bloomington: Indiana UP, Hasley, Louis. Iser, Wolfgang. The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, Lindner, Carl M. Rosenblatt, Louise M. Literature as Exploration.

New York: MLA, Thurber, James. William Vesterman. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, Tompkins, Jane P. Jane P. Skip to main content. Module 4: Literary Analysis. Search for:. Reader-Response Criticism Summary We have examined many schools of literary criticism. The Purpose of Reader-Response Reader-response suggests that the role of the reader is essential to the meaning of a text, for only in the reading experience does the literary work come alive. Thus, the purpose of a reading response is examining, explaining, and defending your personal reaction to a text. There is no right or wrong answer to a reading response.

Nonetheless, it is important that you demonstrate an understanding of the reading and clearly explain and support your reactions. Thus, do not summarize the contents of the text at length. Instead, take a systematic, analytical approach to the text. Write as a Scholar When writing a reader-response write as an educated adult addressing other adults or fellow scholars. Instead, they may conclude that you are dull and boring, that you are too immature or uneducated to understand what important things the author wrote. principle , for example: Is the text racist? Does the text unreasonably puts down things, such as religion, or groups of people, such as women or adolescents, conservatives or democrats, etc?

Does the text include factual errors or outright lies? It is too dark and despairing? Is it falsely positive? form , for example: Is the text poorly written? Is it too emotional or too childish? Does it have too many facts and figures? Are there typos or other errors in the text? Do the ideas wander around without making a point? Choosing a text to study is the first step in writing a reader-response essay. title of the work to which you are responding; the author; and the main thesis of the text. Then, do your best to answer the questions below. This excellent and humorous speech gives many more details about why Crichton suggests we should worry less than we do. Hi Barbara, I turned 40 in the year , and I started teaching College English in so I've actually been teaching 25 years, but who's counting?

The above response example was part of an in-class exercise written by my students. Those students were 6 at Y2K! My oldest daughter was 5 at the time. Were you really six years old during Y2K? How is that possible if you have taught at the college level for 20 years? I hope that is a misprint. Your article introduces a very interesting exercise for comprehension and expression. Thanks for the illustrations. Voted Up and Useful. Your very welcome, Virginia. You do good work teaching students to do this. My wife teachers a similar, but more advanced course on how to write a research paper, and I guest lecture to help them know that writing can be fun, not just an assignment.

Keep teaching! SidKemp--Thanks for such a thoughtful answer. You are absolutely right about the importance of learning how to do Reader Response. I have actually been very surprised to find that my college freshman students have a very difficult time doing this assignment. That is partly why I've developed so many hubs to help them and they are some of my most popular ones. Secondly, I think you are absolutely right about Crichton's ironic switch from someone who exploited fears and then tells us not to worry. However, as I've now reached my 50s, I do understand how you begin to see things from a different perspective as we develop experience over time.

Thank you so much for reminding everyone that Y2K was not a "non-issue" but rather one that was solved by many people working hard and smart over a number of years. The Research Paper assignments that I give my students are all about how to solve world problems. I really believe that this generation of students needs to know that they can make a difference. Thanks again! Thanks for an interesting exploration of an excellent topic. I have three thoughts: I would like to see a world where everyone could write a Reading Response Essay by age 10 5th grade. I think if we were all trained in understanding what we hear and read and deciding for ourselves, the world would be a better place. In particular, we would be less afraid. Second: I think that Michael Crichton came to his realization a bit too late - after a lifetime creating and profiting from the problem he then encouraged us to stop creating!

He helped create, then fed, America's addiction to fear of the destruction of the world. In fact, it was the original release of his first novel, Andromeda Strain, that got me worried! Still, better late than never, and I'm glad for his encouragement to end the fear. Third, while fear, itself, is not valuable, genuine concern is important. Of the various crises you mentioned, I know one from my own experience could have been real, and was averted. I spent 3 years of my life helping to prevent the Y2K computer bug from causing harm. My own work helped prevent nuclear shut-downs, a collapse of the global financial markets, and problems with food distribution.

I worked with companies that would have failed - leaving many unemployed - during that time. Overall, Y2K didn't happen, but it was due to hard work. It was the largest peacetime effort to prevent disaster at least since the Marshall Plan after WW II, which was also a success. So, I say, let's get educated, stop being afraid, and make a good and realistic difference for a better future. On the other hand, maybe I'm just getting old! Marine Biology. Electrical Engineering. Computer Science. Medical Science. Writing Tutorials. Performing Arts.

Visual Arts. Student Life. Vocational Training. Standardized Tests. Online Learning. Social Sciences. Legal Studies. Political Science. What is a Reading Response? Summary: what are the main points? Analysis: how effectively is it written? Response: did it convince you? Read More From Owlcation. The Top 10 Strangest Snakes in the World.

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