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Osteoporosis essay

Osteoporosis essay

over the coming decades and put plans into place that will best serve these individuals and 2 osteoporosis essay. Overdosed America by Jay Abramson Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Marks, Leonard S. As Ferrara points out, bones are living tissues. These… References Lirani-Galvao, osteoporosis essay, a. You are cool guys!

General Information on Osteoporosis

The human body rests on a framework made almost entirely of bones. Bones are, therefore, vital as far as the body structure is concerned. This is in addition to the fact that red blood cells are generated within the bone marrow, osteoporosis essay. Healthy bones, therefore, contribute a lot to osteoporosis essay overall health of an individual. However, osteoporosis essay, bones get infections and diseases just like other body parts, osteoporosis essay. These range from bone cancer to osteoporosis amongst many other diseases. This paper presents the case of osteoporosis by defining it and outlining its causes, osteoporosis essay, symptoms, testing and diagnosis, osteoporosis essay, and treatment.

Osteoporosis is osteoporosis essay a disease characterised by reduced bone strength that makes it susceptible to fracture, osteoporosis essay. Bone strength is measured by establishing the bone mineral density BMDosteoporosis essay, also called osteoporosis essay bone mass. It is mostly prevalent among women aged 50 and above; it is responsible for numerous fractures around the vertebra, hip, or wrist within this age group. The disease occurs where the body either generates bone cells at a rate slower than they die, or osteoporosis essay too much existing bone. Slow bone generation and replacement can be attributed to low levels of calcium and Vitamin D which are key components of the bone development process.

There are other probable causes of osteoporosis including overindulgence in alcohol, smoking, medication, osteoporosis essay, and low body weight. However, there are cases where bone loss occurs without any medical explanation. This occurs if disease is genetic. v Osteoporosis is hard to detect in the early stages as it does not show any obvious symptoms. Many victims discover they have the disease once they suffer fractures. This can be characterised by pain which can occur due to fractures on some bones that constitute the spine, osteoporosis essay. Continuous exposure to osteoporosis can result into height reduction or stooped posture.

The examination and detection of osteoporosis can be done in two major ways: bone mineral density testing and spine or hip osteoporosis essay. Bone mineral density testing can not only diagnose the disease but also foretell the risk of fractures whereas x-rays can only show fractures. v Treatment of osteoporosis is primarily based on osteoporosis essay of bone generation and prevention of bone loss. It can be done in numerous ways such as consumption of calcium and vitamin D, lifestyle changes, osteoporosis essay, and medication, osteoporosis essay. The mode of osteoporosis essay depends on the level of advancement of the disease and should be done under the supervision of a medical expert, osteoporosis essay.

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asp Study Shows Unexpected Outcomes for Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation. Grave's disease is an autoimmune condition which impacts the human thyroid gland. Excessive production of the thyroid hormone engorges the gland and it continues to grow. Because of this, there can be many adverse affects to the person's health, particularly in terms of ophthalmological and dermatological symptoms. The exact cause of the condition has not been determined nor has a cure for the disease. However, there are treatment methods available which can alleviate symptoms and even prevent further hyperthyroidism in the patients. Overview and Brief History of the Condition: Grave's disease is an autoimmune disorder which most commonly affects the thyroid gland and results in hyperthyroidism, or over activity of the gland.

Patients with this disease experience various symptoms but have a shared epidemiology. This condition creates antibodies which impact receptor activation within the thymus. Causes: The specific cause of Grave's disease is as yet unknown; however there are theories…. Works Cited Agabegi, E. Step-Up to Medicine Step-Up Series. Bunevicius, R. Psychiatric manifestations of Graves' hyperthyroidism: pathophysiology and treatment options. CNS Drugs. Cawood, T. Recent developments in thyroid eye disease. Incorporating other unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, abusing alcohol, and abuse of other drug complexes the health status of an individual; hence, a premature death Tarnopolsky, A strong relationship exists between physical activity and exercises and the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Poor lifestyles contribute to a variety of risk factors such as high levels of lipids in the blood, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure that causes cardiovascular complications. Significant evidence shows that reducing these risk factors reduces the risks of an individual having cardiovascular conditions such as stroke, cardiac arrest, and coronary heart disease. egular exercises and physical activity reduce these risk factors in a number of ways. For instance, it promotes the reduction of the body weight that helps in the reduction of…. References 8 Benefits of exercising.

Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical hea aspx Medical aspects of exercise: benefits and risks.. London: Royal College of Physicians of London. Vitamin D Supplementation Vitamin supplementation has long been a popular way of ensuring that people receive the sufficient amount of vitamins. However as it pertains to Vitamin D, there is some amount of controversy as it pertains to Vitamin D supplementation hydroxy concentration and safety. The literature review will discuss the need for vitamin D supplementation and the findings of various studies and Vitamin D trials. An article entitled "Vitamin D supplementation, hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, and safety" the daily allowance of vitamin D is IU. The medical community has established that this amount will prevent the softening of the bones known as osteomalacia.

However, there is also a consensus that more vitamin D is need to avoid other conditions such as hyperparathyroidism and osteoporosis. In fact an article found in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics confirms that the proper amount of vitamin D can reduce the chances of…. Works Cited ALA-HOUHALA, M. Maternal compared with infant vitamin D Supplementation. Archives of Disease in Childhood, , 61, Alouf B. Incidental Finding of Vitamin-D Deficient Rickets in an Otherwise Healthy Infant -- A Reappraisal of Current Vitamin-D Supplementation Guidelines.

Journal of the National Medical Association. Sorva A. Responses of parathyroid hormone to vitamin D supplementation: A systematic review of clinical trials. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 48 The concern is that the issue of healthcare for culturally diverse individuals is so complex, there are no exact rights and wrongs. In order to help others who have different cultural backgrounds and experiences, as the Hmong, it is essential to be 1 proactive. That is, to forecast the transforming demographics in the U. over the coming decades and put plans into place that will best serve these individuals and 2 collaborative. The best results occur when professionals from different backgrounds and expertise share best practices and learn from each other. What could have…. References Compton, B.

Social work processes 7th ed. Fadiman, Anne the Spirit Catches You, and You Fall Down. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Gladwell, M. The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference. Boston: Little Brown. And one cannot stop wondering: in a world where there are enough dangers among which drugs, murders etc. In a world where there are other addictive factors such as TV, computer games, fast-food, and which, combined, produce illnesses both physical and psychical are we to let our children drink coca cola? Are we to add another product to the list of things which tend to destroy our children health?

eferences Adams, Mike. June html LaBudde, obert. MadSci Library. html Leland, Elizabeth. htm Madison, Josh. References Adams, Mike. html LaBudde, Robert. Calcium is needed in blood clotting, stability and permeability of the membrane, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, cellular secretion, enzyme activity, and cell growth. Magnesium is needed for the metabolism of potassium and calcium and for the mobilization of calcium from bones. Phosphorus plays and important role in the development and maturation of the bone. Its chief role in bone resorption, mineralization and collagen synthesis makes it essential in calcium homeostasis Michael's. Diseases and disorders of the skeletal system include leukemia, bursitis, osteoporosis, sprains, fractures, spina bifida, scurvy, arthritis, scoliosis, talipes equinovarus or clubfoot, tendonitis, kyphosis and poliomyelitis Family Shock Leukemia is also called cancer of the blood where abnormally large numbers of white blood cells multiply at an uncontrolled manner so that they interfere with the body's production of red blood cells.

The cause is still unknown. ursitis is a painful condition, which most commonly affects the hips and…. Bibliography Discovery Kids. Skeletal system. Discovery Communications, Inc. html Family Shock. Diseases and Disorders. The Shock Family, December 21, htmL Michael's. Skeleton Factors. Michael's Naturapathic Programs: Inner Health Group, Inc. pdf ThinkQuest. Skeletal System. Think Quest USA: Oracle Education Foundation, The conclusion of Marks was that nominal physical activity and exercise on the level of the individual can help in reducing the prevalence of hips fractures and should be encouraged. Quoting Wehre and Magaziner , Marks says that annual incidence of hip fractures will likely increase rather than increase.

May this be due to the unprecedented growth of the elderly population, or rather due to the fact that people are less inclined to engage in physical activity? and, if you think the latter may be the cause why is this s more so now than in previous times? What is the best way to formulate a physical activity program that can encourage people to follow it? Marks …. Source Marks, R. Hip fracture: risk factors and outcomes, Current Ost. Reports, 1, Paget's Disease Of Bone James Paget, Paget's disease of bone general information about disease Etiology: genetic causes viral causes Effects of disease skeletal spinal neurological Diagnosis of Disease radiographic examinations laboratory tests Treatment and Prognosis for patient bisphosphonates calcitonin disease can be treated but not cured.

Paget's Disease of Bone In , Sir James Paget first described a disease that he had identified in a small number of patients who had been described as "having overly large heads and enlarged or deformed extremities with a higher likelihood of fracture. Works Cited Chaffins, Julie A. Academic OneFile. Cundy, Tim, and Brya Matthews. Japanese Nutrition Japanese WHY DO THE JAPANESE LIVE LONGE? Many studies done by nutritionist worldwide have confirmed that a plant-based diet is the most healthful choice. Soybean and its extracts, such as soybean oil, provide high-quality protein that is equal to that found in poultry, milk and other animal-based foods. However, not all soyfoods are low in fat, but most of them are cholesterol-free.

An added bonus is that soybean and its byproducts do not contain saturated fat unless it is added during the processing stage or is combined with other ingredients containing saturated fat. Because many forms of soy are low or modest in total fat, a person's overall diet will be inclined toward…. The Oxford Companion to Food. New York: Oxford University Press. Ling, Wen Hua, et al. London, Sheryl. The Versatile Grain and the Elegant Bean. Marks, Leonard S. Electromagnetic Therapy A review of the existing scientific literature The use of magnets in medicine is long-standing. This is "based on the belief that an imbalance of the electromagnetic frequencies or fields of energy can cause illness. By applying electrical energy to the body, the imbalance can be corrected.

Many electrical devices are available on the market to treat a variety of symptoms" Electromagnetic Therapy, , New York Presbyterian Hospital. However, the therapy's full incorporation into contemporary…. References Battisti, E. Efficacy and safety of new TAMMEF therapeutic application of musically modulated electromagnetic fields system in the treatment of chronic low back pain. Environmentalist, 27 4 , Cadossi, R. Cartilage chondroprotection and repair with pulsed electromagnetic fields: I-ONE therapy. Environmentalist, 31 2 , Obesity Study Evaluations Evaluating the program's progress and results will be an ongoing concern for this study; many of the tools necessary to do so are relatively simple to create and implement.

The process for doing so includes both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative method will include hard numbers and percentages based on initial testing, ongoing evaluations and a comparative test at the end of the study that will be used to determine results and outcomes. The qualitative method will be based on the perceptions, thoughts, ideals and beliefs of the participants of the study and how they have changed in either negative or positive ways. Instructional Problem The instructional problem that this paper will address is "can instructing students in the area s of fitness and diet improve the student's capabilities and understanding in regards to how they influence the student's overweight or obesity issues?

References Hua, V. Search for 'Nutrition for a Healthy Body' could lead to Analysis Paralysis! There has been a lot of social attention on 'right nutrition' in recent years, leading to experimenting in different types of foods including herbal preparations. hile I have no doubt that such heightened social consciousness and continued scientific investigation will ultimately benefit humankind, right now one can't help feeling that too much information can be self-defeating. hy or how am I saying this? Herein lies a story. You see, the spotlight on 'healthy living' had initially led me to doubt as to whether I knew enough about nutrition.

So, I decided to embark on a quest for more information on healthier nutrition and living. I did my research on the web, where I found approximately , results to my query. Never one to back away from a task that I set my mind on, I sallied forth…. Works Cited Organic Foods: Growers, Buyers and Bugs. Resource web site. htm Tea may help protect against heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Physiological Changes Associated With Aging Aging is the complex and inevitable process of tissue and organ system degeneration. Though largely influenced by genetics, aging is also dependent upon a number of environmental factors including exercise, diet, childhood personality, and exposure to ionizing radiation, pollutants, or microorganisms.

The physiological changes that occur as an individual's age advances can be grouped into three, with the first category encompassing changes in such homeostatic mechanisms as extracellular fluid volumes, blood, and temperature; the second encompassing changes related to decreasing organ mass; and the third, changes in the body's functional reserve systems. Promoting the health of an aging population is crucial not only because it ensures the well-being of ageing individuals, but also because it significantly reduces the burden imposed upon a country's medical system.

It is with this in mind that this text collates knowledge and research to examine, in a deeper sense, the…. References Bherer, L. A Review of the Effects of Physical Activity and Exercise on Cognitive and Brain Functions in Older Adults. Journal of Aging Research, vol. Retrieved 8 April from [HIDDEN] Glassock, R. The GFR Decline with Aging: A Sign of Normal Senescence, Not Disease. Nephrology Times, 2 9 , Heckman, G. Addressing Healthcare Needs for Frail Seniors in Canada: the Role of InterRAI Instruments. Canadian Geriatrics Society Journal of CME, 3 3 , Saber, A. Perioperative Care of Elderly Surgical Patients. American Medical Journal, 4 1 , Nursing Case Study and Theoretical Knowledge of Healthcare System Significant evidence shows that the responsibilities of the primary and acute care nurses vary significantly.

The variation creates differences in the scope of work for the nurses, as they are engaged in different job perspectives. Primary and acute care nurses provide an array of services that aim at promoting health, preventing the occurrence of diseases, treating the sick, and providing the e clients with services, meeting their needs alongside creating public awareness to issues that affect their health and well-being. The difference of the services provided by the two becomes evident by the fact that the acute care nurses provide their services to patients who are critically sick, creating continuum variation in the services provided.

In addition, nurses involved in the provision of nursing care services in the acute setups require specialized knowledge, skills, and expertise that allows them to provide…. References Brown, L. Factors Influencing Emergency Department Preference for Access to Healthcare. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13 5 , Brown, S. Psychology without foundations history, philosophy and psychosocial theory. London: Sage Publications. Crowe, M. Deconstructing risk assessment and management in mental health nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43 1 , DiClemente, R. Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research strategies for improving public health.

San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bone Health in Children Bone Health A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for normal bone development in otherwise healthy children Prentice et al. Sufficient consumption of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats help to build and maintain bones and supporting structures consisting of collagen, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans. The bone mineral itself consists of calcium and phosphate crystals, but magnesium and zinc are also required. A number of ions are essential, including copper, manganese, and citrate, while vitamins also play an important role, especially vitamin D, C, and K.

These minerals, ions, and vitamins are required for the proper development and maintenance of healthy bone mineral and supporting structures. Genetic studies have provided conclusive evidence of which factors play a role in bone development Prentice et al. Naturally-occurring mutations in the vitamin D-receptor, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5, insulin-like growth factor, and a number of other genes encoding growth hormones, revealed…. References Prentice, A. Nutrition and bone growth and development. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 65 4 , Oral Health Seniors have specific oral health needs. Meeting those needs requires an increase in personal hygiene, an improvement in lifestyle habits, and an increase in oral health service use.

When these core needs are met, the specific oral health issues that affect seniors can be minimized, leading to improved health outcomes. Increasing personal hygiene requires shifts in attitudes toward oral health care, access to information, and access to affordable oral health care tools that are designed specifically for seniors. Lifestyle habits have a tremendous impact on oral health. Diet, smoking status, and drug and alcohol use are all factors that impact oral health. Accessing oral health services is difficult for many seniors. Some may live in rural areas where accessing oral health is physically difficult. Others may not be covered. In fact, most seniors do not have insurance coverage for oral health care.

Not being able to afford oral…. References "7 Oral Health Concerns Most Common in Seniors," Oral health care services for older adults: A looming crisis. American Journal of Public Health 94 5 , Department of Health and Human Services. Atlas acknowledge that Americans have much better access to important new technologies like medical imaging than patients in Canada or the U. This is justifiable in the presented table showing the most important recent medical innovations, below. Hence, Atlas claim that the United States has nearly 27 MI machines per million compared to about 6 per million in Canada and Britain.

According to" The U. Health Care System as an Engine of Innovation," Economic…. Reference: Association of American Medical Colleges. Healthcare Innovation Zones: A True Platform for Reform. Ideals Changing the World: 10 Surprising Facts about American Health Care. National Center for Policy Analysis NCPA No. Some studies posit that casein consumption has a direct correlation to cancer cell growth, and patients with any form of cancer are counseled not to drink milk, and to limit the consumption of milk products. This is contradicted in terms of using milk to help with certain stomach and colon cancers Hakkak, Men who drink large amounts of milk and consume numerous dairy products are at a higher risk for Parkinson's disease, and high levels of calcium intake 6 or more glasses of milk per day , also increase the chance for prostate cancer Chen, ; Giovannucci, et.

Additionally, a number of links have been made to digestive disorders such Crohn;'s disease and Hirschprung's disease, which are serious conditions of the digestive system and the bowel "How Bacteria in Cow's Milk…" The idea that the human body requires milk in order to produce calcium and create a stronger…. Williams and Williams. Chen, H. Lipases digest fat and fat soluble vitamins. com reports, "Lipase deficient people have decreased cell permeability, meaning nutrients cannot get in and the waste cannot get out of the cell. For example, diabetics are lipase deficient and cannot get glucose into their cells, and wastes or unwanted substances cannot get out.

Cellulase deficiency can lead to sugar or gluten intolerance. com writes, "Cellulase deficiency is a malabsorption syndrome impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamins, or minerals from the diet by the lining of the small intestine with its many symptoms of lower abdominal gas, pain, bloating and problems associated with the jejunum and pancreas as well as nervous system conditions such as ell's Palsy, Tic and facial neuralgia. com reports, "Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency is most common in Canadian Eskimos and natives of Greenland. They cannot…. Bibliography Enzymes. html Emedicine. The program includes five components namely 'Family Support', 'Maternal Interview', 'Records review', 'case review' and 'Community action'.

The growing body of research evidence has affirmed positive associations between the gestational environment and the development of various physical and mental disorders in the infant, adolescent and the adult population. The new knowledge that even gestational diet composition has the ability to alter the human epigenome resulting in the expression of undesirable genes and the onset of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic health conditions, is convincing scientific evidence for pregnant women to be careful and cautious in their diet choices. Results from the studies on maternal…. html 2 Barry E. July " Metabolic Imprinting: Critical Impact of the perinatal environment on the regulation of energy homeostasis," Biol Sci. Lerner et. al Aug , "Developmental Origins of Diseases and Determinants of chromatin Structure: Maternal diet modifies the Primate fetal epigenome," J.

Mol Endocrinol 41 20 91 -- The development of a bio-economy capable of supplying the world's energy demand is where the synthetic biologists wish to take this the next step. Additionally, biologists are able to develop a sort of biological acolyte from the principles of synthetic biology, involving synthesizing DNA in combination with the raw building blocks of genetics. A new platform for different biological life form is essentially, what these biologists have discovered. According to commission chairwoman, and the president of the University of Pennsylvania, Amy Gutmann, "Here's something significant in science, but there's no cause for fear and dread about what is going to happen immediately next. Amy Gutmann, further states that ethics training be mandatory for all researchers in the field.

Opponents of the report include Brent Erickson, an executive in the biotech industry. According to the New York Times, Mr. Erickson called…. Indeed, a handful of companies have brought to market new drugs to treat specific diseases including osteoporosis. However, some say this "genome bubble" Pollack, has burst and that a lack of pharmaceuticals targeted toward genome modification have not turned out at a high rate. Increases in spending on the genome project exceeded 40 billion in with no major uptick in the number of available drugs to the population. Industry executives note that although there is considerable risk and high costs, the project will pay of as a function of time.

Assuming they are not out to just keep their job, the idea is as the development stage in its entirety, from drug discovery to marketing to consumers, can approach two decades. Executives at a number of top biotech firms have praised the genome project and its power as an enabler of drug research and drug development. The article is accurate as it is inclusive of key executives holding top positions within the top biopharmaceutical companies in the world. Additionally, input from regulators is also provided. The human genome project and this subsequent research will undoubtedly affect our lives.

Disease and ailments will be understood at the genetic level where new medication can address genetic deficiencies that enable these conditions. The relevance of this article to biology is as essential as Gregor Mendel's work on plant genetics. National Health Care Reform [Type the document title] On March 23, , President Barrack Obama signed into law the first piece of major health care legislation in decades. This follows a long uphill battle that both sides went through, where a series of initiatives were proposed over the years.

Yet, none were never fully enacted out of the possible fears surrounding what they could do to: competition, the overall quality of care and costs. As time went by the overall levels of health for millions of Americans would become worse, as the number of uninsured continued to increase. Then, when you consider the fact that a large portion of the population is becoming older and more people are suffering from preventable diseases such: diabetes, obesity and hypertension, only made the situation worse. This is because treating these different conditions requires more use of health care services and prescriptions drugs. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Health Osteoporosis Essays Osteoporosis Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. In both cases, a normal amount of calcium in the body is of great importance. Calcium supports the bones and teeth. There are a number of indications, which may serve as a catalyst for the development of osteoporosis. They include poor diet in particular the frequent use of salty foods, coffee, alcohol, and frequent overeating.

There is also a genetic predisposition to osteoporosis. Smoking can be one of the causes of this disease. When a person applies drugs, side effects of which include the excretion of calcium from the body, it can lead to osteoporosis. The other risk factors affecting the development of the disease include sedentary lifestyle, rejection of sports, and the lack of physical activity. For women, rising of heavy weight and frequent wearing of high heels have extremely negative consequences Reid, The thinning of bone tissue begins after 30 years. It is a natural process that cannot be completely stopped. However, even in the young age, there are preventive steps that can reduce the risks of the osteoporosis development.

It is known that physical activity in the young age increases bone mass. In such a way, it decreases the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. For prevention of osteoporosis, it is necessary to consume adequate doses of vitamin D and calcium. A person should avoid bad habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Aging is a physiological process. It is a step that inevitably occurs in the life of every person. Thus, the main task is to ensure the best quality of life of people in this age group. Important indicators that determine the quality of life of older people include independent life, opportunities in the preservation of mental functions, and the ability to self-care and mobility. In this case, osteoporosis and its complications are important factors limiting the independence of the elderly people.

FREE EXTRAS: FREE plagiarism report on request. Currently, diagnosis of osteoporosis does not represent significant difficulties. It should be remembered that conventional radiography is not able to assess the degree of osteoporosis. In such a way, doctors use other techniques to diagnose this disease. Radiography only allows suspecting the presence of osteoporosis by a characteristic change in bone density on radiographs. Nevertheless, for the treatment planning and evaluation of the dynamics of change in bone density, it is necessary to have quantitative information on the state of the bones. It is necessary to have opportunities to express bone density digitally.

Quantitative estimation of bone density is the most important in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. For this research, a special term, densitometry, was invented. Densitometry is the density measurement. Diagnosis of osteoporosis using ultrasound densitometry has several advantages. Ultrasound densitometry is not accompanied by irradiation. It may be realized in a comfortable environment within a relatively short period of time. The main objectives of osteoporosis treatment are grafting of bone mass, prevention of fractures, reduction or complete elimination of pain, and provision of an optimal motor mode for patients.

The main and most dangerous complication of osteoporosis is fractured. The most dangerous fractures are the ones of the vertebrae and femoral neck. Due to fractures of the femoral neck, osteoporosis occupies the fourth place among the most common causes of death of people in the world. Osteoporosis of the spine leads to the development of compression fractures even under light load. It is important to understand that in a significant number of cases, immobility following fracture of the spine or femoral neck ends with bedsores, congestive pneumonia, infectious complications, and thrombosis.

Strugling with your essay? Ask professionals to help you! Start Chat. Over the past decade, there is a significant progress in understanding of the development mechanisms, principles of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. Each year, new methods of treatment appear. A group of doctors at the hospital of the University of San Francisco developed a new drug called alendronate. It promotes bone mass in women with osteoporosis. The scientists also concluded that the admission of such components as isoflavones increases bone density in the lumbar spine in women after the menopausal period. Bibliography Anagnostakos, Nicholas, and Tortora, Gerard, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, N Y Feit, J.

Calcium and Vitamin D for Elderly Patients, Journal of Family Practice 45 6 : , Riglar, S. Kansas Med, 98 3 , Taxel, P. Roughly, The body loses around 3kg of lean muscle every decade from middle age. Evidence found by Singh suggests that these changes are related to a sedentary lifestyle, muscle mass can increase in an older person after regular exercise. Bone density also declines around the age of 40, and as a result, older people are more prone to fractures. However, exercise helps to reduce the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious bone disease. It is caused by loss of bones density or mass. In the United States more than 40 million people already have osteoporosis, or are at an extremely high risk of getting the disease.

Osteoporosis can happen to both men and women. In this essay I will give you a brief overview of the disease, tell you about the smaller risk factors, talk about how steroids come into play with osteoporosis, and explain the symptoms and treatment. The assessment of fracture risk should be the main focus of a patient evaluation, by incorporating epidemiologically derived risk-assessment tools with bone densitometry such as FRAX. Risk stratification of a patient can then be followed by treatment with an ever-widening array of effective bone-sparing therapies. Although well-established therapies are available, novel therapies are under development with increasing focus on anabolic agents to enhance bone strength.

The efficacy, safety, and tolerability of newer bone-sparing agents, or combinations of agents, may further enhance the clinical armamentarium of osteoporosis. Bone health is essential to maintaining the brittle bone disease and requires correct amounts of dietary calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus to remain strong. Muscle strength is also a key point in controlling OI since muscles play a key role in the movement of the body. Engaging in physical therapy is vital for the patient and must be performed so that they are able to bear their own weight.

The patients should often be encouraged to increase their strength, walking, and running. The physical therapy for the patient should be started as soon as the child shows a developmental delay or shows weak motor activity. Osteoporosis is a disease that develops in the bones. The amount of fractures that are caused because of this has been steadily increasing. Osteoporosis can be broken down into two types, primary and secondary. Primary is manly shown in older women specifically, after menopause. Secondary osteoporosis is not limited to age or sex, but requires a preexisting disease or reason why.

Although joint movement is a very important source of physical stress on connective tissues, isometric muscle contractions can assist with applying therapeutic levels of stress to immobilized structures. Muscle tissue benefits from the force generated by an isometric contraction and may reduce the loss of proteins and muscle fiber diameter, and help maintain tension and power of fibers during immobilization. Isometric contractions across the wrist will help minimize the effects of immobilization.

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