Monday, March 28, 2022

Essay on blood donation camp

Essay on blood donation camp

This tragic event cannot be summed up in numbers or facts— it affected individuals, young and old, who each had a story, families, essay on blood donation camp, and hopes and dreams. The camp started from exactly morning with a Bengali prayer song by beautiful girls wearing red and white sarees followed by a short speech of the principle. The donors were asked to fill a medical form to give details about their health-related information. All of them urged the students' teachers and other dignitaries present to donate blood to save the lives of people. So we must essay on blood donation camp forward to organize further blood donation camps to serve mankind. Please be descriptive in your responses and attach additional information as needed.

Blood Donation Camp

With a massive growth in the world population, there has also essay on blood donation camp an alarming rise in diseases. Mortality rates are constantly fluctuating. Hospitals are always in dire need of transplants and donations. In such a scenario, essay on blood donation camp, donating blood is our duty, as fellow human beings, essay on blood donation camp. It should be a voluntary, heartfelt gesture, essay on blood donation camp. If we can spare some blood and save a life, why not do it? Many factors determine one's ability to donate blood, as well as a patient's ability to receive blood. Firstly, the blood type has to be a match. Some blood types like O and AB are rarer than others.

It is integral that people with these blood types donate as much as they can because clinics do not usually have a large store of these blood types. Secondly, certain measures have to be taken by the donor to ensure that the infection does not spread. Urgent situations require an abundance essay on blood donation camp blood supply. Our unwillingness to donate could equal someone being in a critical condition or even losing their life. Individual differences exist in a patient's health condition. Some people may require more platelets; others may require red blood cells. Blood donations enable a patient to receive treatment that fits their condition, thereby, speeding their recovery. Donations also assist surgeons in carrying out safe surgery. They can make use of the large supply of suitable blood types, in order to operate on an individual.

Donated blood can be stored up till a specific period of time. To battle the issue of the self-life, we need to make sufficient contributions. We are fortunate to be leading a healthy life, and our blood is constantly regenerating. By donating blood, we are showing our concern for the welfare of others. We are helping to build a healthier. A man can't survive without blood. Research work is carried on across the world to find a suitable substitute for blood. Artificial blood is also essay on blood donation camp subject for the quest of researchers. But so long as blood can't be replaced by artificial blood or a suitable substitute. Human beings require blood patients who undergrow operations are in need of blood very much.

So a donation of blood is extremely important. Blood Donation is one of the most significant contributions of human beings. It is not harmful and the person who donates blood can regenerate the cells within few days, essay on blood donation camp. It poses no threats to the human body. The world blood donor day is observed on 14th June every year. There are many diseases that are due to the lack of blood and many people are dying because they do not get blood at the proper time. Essay on blood donation camp we donate the blood, we can save someone life. There are different blood groups present in the human body which are O, A, B and AB.

O blood group is the universal donor and AB is the universal accepter. Several campaigns are held in schools, colleges and various institutions to aware people of blood donation. Blood donation is our human duty. It does not affect our body and our body regenerates the blood cells within few hours. So we must donate blood as it can save the lives of many people. So, we should donate blood readily which will keep our body refresh and even we will get so many blessings by saving the life of people. Also read: Advantages and disadvantages of lockdown essay. Also read: Essay on How I spent my time during lockdown. Also read: Essay on Time and Tide Waits for None. Also read: Essay on insurance frauds in India. Also read: Essay on self-discipline and its importance.

Also read: Essay on time management is the key to success. Best Article!! Love from mrlaboratory. Excellent content!! Median Uimarketingessay on blood donation camp, How do you store it in a way that lets you use it immediately in case of an emergency? Report writing on blood donation camp Essay on blood donation. July 25, where people all over the world, engage in spreading about this life-saving act. Many blood donation camps are held on that day, and millions of people across the globe actively participate in the program. WHO Organize a campaign where people who are in the age group between 17 to 66 and weighing more than 50 kilograms are invited to donate their blood.

There are blood banks where people can store their blood and during any medical emergency, stored blood comes into use. Those who have rare blood groups are suggested to store their blood in blood banks for their future use. The group is blood is much important to know. The blood is divided into four groups there are A, B, AB, essay on blood donation camp, and O. There are subdivisions into positive and negative groups. the person who has "O" group blood are called universal donors. Any person can accept their blood.

The person having the "AB" group of blood are called universal recipients. They can accept any group of blood. When the blood of one person is admitted in the body of a patient the body of the patient may refuse to accept the blood if it is not suitable to the body. So proper care must be taken in respect of administering blood in the body of a patient. Moreover, it must be seen that infusible blood is free from any kind of germs or toxic elements. There must not be any adverse reaction from the blood after it's introduced into the body. Blood must be tested before use otherwise blood may be directly transferred from the body of a healthy person to the waiting person. Nowadays awareness in respect of the necessity of blood donation is spreading across the country.

Blood donation camps are also organized at different places around the year to collect the necessary blood but the amount of collected blood is not at all sufficient in respect of the essay on blood donation camp demand for blood. As a matter of fact, essay on blood donation camp, many healthy persons refrain from donating blood. Moreover, in numerous cases, it had been found that there is no proper preservation system to store the blood properly in usable condition. So, much quantity of the collected blood gets wasted frequently.

It has been also noted that the blood donation camps don't examine a person properly before taking the blood, essay on blood donation camp. So, sick persons also donate blood. This blood is extremely harmful so the organizers must strictly essay on blood donation camp the health condition of a blood donor before permitting the person to donate blood. All the blood banks must store the blood with proper care. On the eve of our school foundation day, a blood donation camp was organized on our school campus. The Health Minister of the state inaugurated the camp. Many eminent persons attended the camp. All of them urged the students' teachers and other dignitaries present to donate blood to save the lives of people. A short speech by our Health Minister as well as the secretary of the blood donation committee also tried to remove the misconceptions some people had about blood donation.

Blood donation started just at ii o clock. One by one people came and donated blood. This camp was going on very smoothly up to 3 p. Over eighty people donated their blood for the sake of the injured people who badly needed blood. The blood bank authorities were kind enough to arrange for the collection of blood, essay on blood donation camp. This camp was a grand success as not only the teachers and the students but many local people also voluntarily donated their blood. More than fifty bottles of blood were collected. Everybody praised this effort of the students and the teachers of the school. This type of blood donation camp will enhance the Blood Bank. Every blood donor has given a Tiffen and a blood donation card. Blood donation is a great virtue. It inherits the upliftment of a man's mentality.

Our body remains the same if we donate blood and our body restores within a short period and able to do work as usual.

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July 22, ; Radhaswayam Vidyalaya: On a fine morning of 21st February , Radhaswayam Vidyalaya, Kolkata organized a blood donation camp, the initiative was taken by the NSS unit of the school in accordance with the blood bank of the Medical College of Kolkata. The team from the Medical College of Kolkata including 2 doctors and few nurses arrived at the school premises before the scheduled time and the program was started exactly at as earlier notified. Sanjay Karmakar regarded as the Chief guest and was given a warm floral welcome and was asked to say few words, he highlighted the importance of this program and said this should be organized by every school.

The first initiatives were taken by the teachers including Dev Viraj Assistant teacher of English, Miss Lakshmi Ray teacher of Zoology and the NSS Officer, Sapna Singhania as they inaugurated the blood donation camp. Later, other teachers, students, non- teaching staff of the school, alumni students all donated blood. The donors were given refreshments to reenergize them as the energy boosters. The donors were also provided with the blood donating certificates by the Kolkata Medical College. A total of 79 units of blood was collected in total and the program went till pm. The school cooperated greatly with the medical team and was provided with the afternoon lunch. The team was too very satisfied with the program by the school as it was the second time they were conducting this camp in this school and they always have had a positive view about the school.

The principle of the school thanked the N. S co-ordinator of the school Dr. Over eighty people donated their blood for the sake of the injured people who badly needed blood. The blood bank authorities were kind enough to arrange for the collection of blood. This camp was a grand success as not only the teachers and the students but many local people also voluntarily donated their blood. More than fifty bottles of blood were collected. Everybody praised this effort of the students and the teachers of the school. This type of blood donation camp will enhance the Blood Bank.

Every blood donor has given a Tiffen and a blood donation card. Blood donation is a great virtue. It inherits the upliftment of a man's mentality. Our body remains the same if we donate blood and our body restores within a short period and able to do work as usual. So we must come forward to organize further blood donation camps to serve mankind. Also read: It is better to be born rich than talented essay. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Share Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps. Labels life essay. Labels: life essay. Md Mijanur Rahaman MR 13 July at Md Mijanur Rahaman MR 16 July at Unknown 13 September at Post a Comment. Popular posts from this blog My Vision For India In Postcard 10 lines.

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