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Chemistry essay topics

Chemistry essay topics

It should be widely discussed in chemistry essay topics academic community and related to topics that have recently been considered in the class. In other words, you should contact an academic writer and ask for a chemistry research topics list. Congrats to you for winning, chemistry essay topics. Mixture a Compound Mixture and a Compound Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Thus, it is also the objective of the experiment to ascertain whether the addition of these two groups to the PAH lowers or elevates the max of the label.

Chemistry Essay Topics for High School & College Levels

Chemistry is the study of chemicals and chemical solutions. It involves calculations, multiple chemical mixtures, and other exciting subjects that will make you happy. Students find chemistry a fun-filled subject because they have to explore multiple areas of problems facing humanity and the solutions to such issues. The biggest of problems students face when writing chemistry essay assignments is to choose a topic that interests them, chemistry essay topics, drives the message home, and motivates readers. Teachers and professors enjoy and love reading chemistry essay titles that contain rare ideas and convey the intended message in the right way.

TopicsBase is the ultimate online destination for the most educative and content-packed essay topics that teachers enjoy reading. The most interesting part about these essay chemistry essay topics is that they are offered free of charge. You can use our extensive range of titles for chemistry essays to write quality essay assignments that your teachers love. Explore the vast variety of library materials and online resources to make your essays content-packed and reader-intent. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser chemistry essay topics the next time I comment.

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Our experts will help you to find out if the data you gather for your research by using libraries or online resources is genuine. Your essay may involve formulas and calculations. Your chemistry paper can be designed from your notes into a good outline so that you can build up a well-structured framework. This normally contains an introduction paragraph, main paragraphs that detail every aspect of your thesis, and a fine conclusion that entails a references page. Once our writers receive your draft, they will place all the chemistry essay parts together, revise, and reread it for some editing. We will check if your grammar, spelling and sentence structure are correct and the body parts are transitioned in a logical manner continuing to connect to your thesis statement.

Writing in the field of chemistry is kind of similar to other disciplines because your chemistry paper should show a clear purpose and explanation why you carry out this research, your thesis statement or main idea that identifies a particular problem to resolve, and any other information. Our writers will show you where you have to include the appropriate evidence in your chemistry paper, such as tables, graphs, and figures in order to support your statement. But first and foremost, start with offered chemistry essay topics as you need to pick the most outstanding one and make your whole coursework an unprecedented success. Remember Me. What is your profession? Student Teacher Writer Other.

Username or Email. Explore the vast variety of library materials and online resources to make your essays content-packed and reader-intent. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Related Topics. Have top experts do your papers. Of the part of the spectrum that is visible to the human eye, the…. References: Advameg, Inc. html b. Finlay, Victoria. Colors: A Natural History of the Palette. Random House, New York, Greenspan, P. Nile Red: Selective Fluorescent Stain for Intracelluar Lipid Droplets. The Journal of Cell Biology, , -- Chemistry The Prosperous Autobiography of Phosphorus Greetings humans, this message is from your friend, Phosphorus.

That's Phosphorus with a "-us" and not an "-ous" and it is often misspelled. I am an element, not an adjective. You may not be unaware of the special connection you have with me, but it exists nonetheless. For you see, I, Phosphorus, am "an essential component of living systems and is found in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm. In human beings, I am most present in your bones, including your teeth. Chandrasekaran, I also am…. References: Chandrasekaran, Dr. Phosphorus Chemistry: Uses. University of Maryland Medical Center. Phosphorus: the essentials. Retrieved from. Chemistry When it comes to nutrition, terms like carbohydrate, lipid, monosaccharide, protein and cholesterol can sound almost like a foreign language. With all the conflicting reports of what affects your body and what does harm, it is no wonder that people are so confused.

Yet the importance of these substances is so vital that by understanding what these things are, as well as how they are used by our bodies can certainly benefit our health and overall well being. Carbohydrates: By definition, a carbohydrate is group of chemical compounds that exist when hydrogen and oxygen H2O are then combined with carbon Ed. Carbohydrates are the largest group of organic compounds found in nature Encarta. Humans, animals, plants and bacteria all use carbohydrates, and the uses for them varies depending on the organism using them. Plants use them for structural uses - as in the cellulose and hemicellulose that are….

Kimball, John 30 January Biology: An Online Text. html Ed. Recording of observations took place throughout. Results In the first reaction, after adding the KOH solution to the beaker with the clean aluminum strips, the solution turned to a dark purple color, almost appearing black at times. The aluminum clearly began to dissolve, when it was visible in the solution, and bubbles began to form on the surface of the solution. As the solution was allowed to cool following the reaction, the bubbles and the vapor given off by the mixture causing the necessity for venting during this experiment became far less apparent. Following the reaction and the proper carrying out of the filtration steps multiple times, the solids were removed from the reaction mixture and a colorless filtration mixture was left in the reaction beaker.

Adding 20mL of 6 M. sulfuric acid to the colorless filtration liquid caused the mixture to become cloudy and white, and solid precipitates began…. The chemical make up of vitamin B6 has been studied for many years. The isolation of pure crystalline vitamin B6 was first reported in , four years after acknowledgment of this particular member of the vitamin B, complex. Separately, but somewhat later, several other people also accounted for the isolation of vitamin B6. Within a year many experts demonstrated that vitamin B6 was a pyridine derivative, distinctively 3-hydroxyl-4, 5- dihydroxymethyl- 2-methyl- pyridine.

The term pyridoxine, used for this compound has become generally accepted Gyorgy, n. References Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B6. asp Gyorgy, Paul. The History of Vitamin B6. pdf Harrison, Karl. Structures of Vitamins. Retrieved October 18, , from Web site:. Chemistry Through Veterinary Medicine The Use of Acepromazine to Control Fear and Aggression in Dogs My friend, Kathy, has a dog named Mollie, who is a 4-year-old "rescue dog" that weighs 60 lbs. Mollie is literally a moody bitch: a female dog that is sometimes friendly and sometimes hostile. She can definitely frighten people because she looks like a wolf, complete with piercing eyes and long, sharp, gleaming fangs. On October 1st, Mollie was taken to her veterinarian's office for her scheduled Rabies vaccination.

Unfortunately, Mollie acted so fearfully and aggressively that the veterinarian and her 3 assistants could not control Mollie long enough to muzzle her and administer the vaccination. The veterinarian gave Kathy Acepromazine in 25 mg. pills and told Kathy that: Acepromazine is better than a sedative; it controls the dog's fear and aggression for 4 --…. Kelley, Terry, CVT, CPDT. Richards, Mike, DVM. VetInfo: Medication - Acepromazine. WolframAlpha, LLC. C23H26N2O5S - Wolfram Alpha. Chemistry Time Traveler Transported into B. Rome with Latin fluency, and comprehension of and in possession of 21st century knowledge; the task of dazzling the Roman Senate with the articulation of triumphs and successes of scion generations was straightforward. Yet now under the duress of an approaching deadline "to produce something which will convince" Case Guidelines the Senate of the technological and intellectual prowess of future humanity; the task seems insurmountable.

Collective Intelligence Reflecting on two millenniums of human evolution in the span of one short week; the realization that society has prospered and advanced due to successive generations: learning, using, and developing the ideas and genius of those that had come prior, bears a heavy responsibility on this time traveler. Knowledge and innovation then are not solely about the single inspiration of a great mind, but rather "in a new idea, borrowed from economics, known as collective intelligence:…. Furthermore, on combustion, depleted Uranium also aerosolizes releasing particles sufficiently small to be inhaled into the lungs where it represents a deadly medical threat.

Likewise, it is also capable of contaminating food crops and water where it is ingested with similarly devastating medical consequences. Recent studies i. since the first Gulf War of have revealed dramatic increases in cancers and birth defects known to be associated with Uranium contamination and poisoning in the populations of Iraq as well as in Bosnia where U. coalition aircraft enforced the UN-imposed no fly zone in connection with the operations in the Balkan Conflict. The results of these studies strongly suggest that reevaluation may be necessary to justify the continued use of depleted Uranium…. The results of these studies strongly suggest that reevaluation may be necessary to justify the continued use of depleted Uranium military ordinance for humanitarian reasons.

Chemistry Air monitoring provides the following contaminant concentrations at the approximate center of a fire scene in which acres of automobile tires are burning: Carbon monoxide ppm; Carbon dioxide ppm; and Sulfur dioxide ppm. Certain combustion products are produced when materials made from polyacrylonitrile smolder and burn. The major products of thermal decomposition include hydrogen chloride, benzene and unsaturated hydrocarbons. In the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water are included among the common combustion products. The main toxic products from PVC fires are hydrogen chloride a sensory and pulmonary irritant and carbon monoxide an asphyxiant.

There exists a combination of properties that is…. References Misovec, A. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center. Swisdak, M. Alzheimer's Diseases is named for the German psychiatrist and neuropathologist, Alois Alzheimer who first described the disease over years ago in Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease and those who suffer from it worsen as time goes on. Alzheimer's leads to many fatalities and as of today, a cure remains to be found. Though there are cases of dementia in young people and adults, most people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease are in their mid to late sixties.

There are some statistics that predict that within forty years, less than one in hundred people around the world will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. This paper will address Alzheimer's disease from a medical perspective, providing insight as to leading pharmaceutical treatments for patients. Though the symptoms…. References: Jasmin MD, PhD, L. National Institute of Aging. The Alzheimer's Association. hen the drug penicillin finds the bacteria, penicillin blocks the bacteria's ability to produce this chemical, making it impossible for the bacteria to perform respiration. Numerous other drugs have been derived from penicillin and are referred to as sulfa drugs. hen the goal is to prevent certain bodily functions and reactions from taking place, the drugs used are called hormones.

The most commonly used hormones are for birth control. There are two chemical components to birth control hormones. The first chemical synthesizes the natural hormone known as estrogen. hen high levels of this hormone are introduced into the body, the body reads the hormone and assumes it is pregnant. The result is that the body does not allow implantation. The second chemical used to copy natural hormones is progesterone. Progesterone within the body triggers ovulation. hen mimicked using chemicals, the body does not ovulate Lide, hen these two artificial…. Works Cited: Kelley, J. And Fonze, E. Cell and Molecular Life Sciences 54, pp.

Lide, David. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Material Safety Data Sheet. The Journal of Steriod Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Demonstrating the Carbon Dioxide Content of Gaseous Yeast Digestive Byproducts: To demonstrate that the gas produced by yeast is carbon dioxide, the instructor can let students exhale through a straw into a test tube filled with lime juice. The lime juice will turn a milky white color, which is the test for carbon dioxide. To show that the gas produced by yeast also contains carbon dioxide, fill one test tube with lime juice and another test tube with warm water, yeast, and sugar. Then use a rubber stopper with a hole in it to seal the test tube with the yeast. Place a glass pipette through the hole in the rubber stopper but not all the way into the yeast solution.

Place the other end of the glass pipette into the lime juice in the other test tube. When the gas produced by the yeast begins to bubble into the…. References UNESCO Science Experiments for Everyone. New York: Doubleday. Bottled water presently ranks as the second biggest commercial beverage sold in the U. By volume and in greater in utilization than that of tea, apple juice, coffee and milk in Canada H20, Liquid Profit? The economic impacts of bottled water, n. The bottled drinking water industry is an expansion business with tremendous increases and income occasions for the capitalist. The bottled water business increased about ten percent in , while carbonated soft drinks profits were basically level. It is thought that there are a number of things that drive the marketplace.

It is known that people like to have a tap water replacement, but it's actually driven by people's necessities for an improved option to the broad collection of drinks that are on the market 5 Steps to Success in the Private Labeled Bottled ater Business, I feel that promoting bottled water is not the way to go. Works Cited "5 Steps to Success in the Private Labeled Bottled Water Business. Chemistry at work. Every facet of our existence -- living or non-Living -- is a completed or ongoing chemical process. More than one hundred elements basic units of chemical compounds have been identified thus far: most are stable, others are reactive and dangerous.

The ones with the highest atomic numbers total number of protons or electrons in the atoms are created in laboratories and have brief existences. About twenty are radioactive -- and the harm their intrinsic energies can wreak was in evidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki towards the end of Word War II Hachiya, Yet, most elements are the bases of food, shelter and clothing -- the basic necessities of life. Upsetting this critical balance causes adverse effects such as global warming…. References Hachiya, M. html Aquatext Online Composition of Air. htm WebElements WebElementsTM Periodic table professional edition.

Chemistry and iology on Christian Mind The Effects Chemistry and iology on Christian Mind Science and Christianity share a very conflicting relationship. There are different faces of this relationship and we can determine this relationship by using different models. One of such models suggests that science and Christianity are in conflict with each other. Though both of these areas ask you the same question but the answers which they seek are entirely different. An evident example of this phenomenon is the stuff which is being published by atheist scientists who ask rhetorical questions in their readings which force the people to select either science or religion. pdf accessed March 19, , In other words, this model suggests that science and Christianity seek….

Bibliography James, Richard. Test of FAITH Science and Christianity Unpacked Youth Leader's Guide. pdf accessed March 19, Accessed March 19, Newman, Barry, Vaughan Brown, David Ruys, and Jim Wright. Johnson, Phillip E. html accessed March 19, chemistry of pesticides, including characteristics and their effects on the environment. What are pesticides? They are substances, including chemical, biological, antimicrobial, or disinfectant, or some type of mixtures of these substances, that are used to control pests like weeds, insects, microbes, and other pests. The word itself comes from the Latin word "cida," which means "killer" 1.

For most people, the word "pesticide" really means some kind of poison used to control indoor and outdoor pests like insects. The use of pesticides really took off around the world after World War II ended in , but humans have used organic substances to control pests for thousands of years, such as arsenic, sulfur, and other compounds. By the late nineteenth century, many compounds were commonly used on farms and in cities, and inorganic or synthetic pesticides began to develop in the early twentieth century. One of the most famous of those…. References 1. Pimental, D. CRC Press, Boca Raton, htm , 28 Jan. pdf , July Saller, Jeremy, et al. Journal of Environmental Health What is Titanium?

The metal was discovered in Great Britain—Cornwall to be exact—by a clergyman and mineralogist named William Gregor in However, Gregor did not actually get to name the element—at least not as it is commonly recognized today: that honor was taken by Martin Klaproth, a German chemist who had discovered uranium and zirconium two years prior and who would later go on to discover cerium in Works Cited Emsley, John. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press, php Krebs, Robert E. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, USGS: Titanium Statistics and Information. Chemistry and Recreational Drugs The objective of this study is to examine chemistry as it relates to recreational drugs. Toward this end, this study will review literature in this area of inquiry and report on the same. Recreational drugs refer to drugs such as marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy, cocaine, and other such drugs.

The chemistry of each of these recreational drugs is unique and each cause specific effects to the individual taking these drugs. The top five recreational drug chemists include: 1 Raphael Mechoulam known as the king of cannaboid research and to have identified deltatetrahydrocannabinol as an active ingredient of Cannabis Sativa in ; 2 Albert Hofmann -- famous for LSD research; 3 Charles Romley Alder Wright -- lecturer on chemistry at St. Mary's hospital Medical School in London who synthesized heroin in in his search for a non-addictive alternative to morphine; 4 Anton Kollisch who synthesized MDMA in….

Bibliography Hill, SL and Thomas SH Clinical toxicology of newer recreational drugs. Clin Toxicol Phila. Wired Science. htm Top 5 Recreational Drug Chemists A Synthetic Environment. Bioreduction will be most effective in the future if researchers and engineers can develop more effective means of delivering needed nutrients to the microorganism strands used in remediation efforts, as well as tailor site conditions as needed. In the final analysis, it seems most likely that a combination of extractive and immobilization techniques will produce the best results, by each removing aspects of chromium contamination that the other cannot effectively eliminate. orks Cited Camargo, F. Ciura, J. Kapoor, Anoop, and Viraraghavan, Thiruvenkatachari.

Works Cited Camargo, F. Pagilla, Krishna R. Beta particles are identical to electrons according to all measures that have been conducted in this regard, rendered distinct only by the fact that they are emitted from radioactive substances Bodner, Other types of radiation also exist, but alpha and beta particles are the primary drivers of basic nuclear reactions Bodner, ; Loveland et al. adioactive decay -- the result on the source substance of emitting of radioactive particles -- occurs at an exponentially decreasing rate over terms known as the "half life," which is the amount of time it takes for one-half of a quantity of a given radioactive element to transition to a lighter element through its loss of alpha particles with incidental beta particle emission, as well, though this does not fundamentally change the element Carpi, In a nuclear reaction such as the harnessed power of Uranium's radioactivity, neutrons are used to break apart….

References Bodner. Nuclear chemistry. Accessed 16 December php Carpi, A. Nuclear Chemistry: An Introduction. In Visionlearning Vol. CHE-2 3 , Washington, DC: Dept. Of Education. html top Loveland, W. Seaborg, G. Modern Nuclear Chemistry. New York: Wiley. Hydrochloric acid, formic acid, nitric acid, hexanes, and toluene are all available in ACS grade through Carolina, which, with a bit of imagination, could turn into some spectacular experiments. Toluene is, of course, a component in the production of TNT -- talk about an exothermic reaction. Laboratory equipment is also widely available. A simple search of the popular site Shopwiki. com reveals hundreds of beakers, pipettes, test tubes, alcohol burners, syringes, etc. More advanced items are also available, such as hot plates which automatically stir the contents of a flask placed on them, and a wealth of thermodynamic devices for pressure, temperature, and volume control.

Perhaps the best route for a truly interested young chemist to take is to begin with the CHEM , working through its experiments and gaining insight, then proceed to a regime of self-education using the internet and libraries, and supplementing the capabilities of the CHEM…. Bibliography 1. Cook, Rosie "Chemistry at Play. Nicholls, Henry "The Chemistry Set Generation. Salter, Rose "Chemistry sets safer, boring. Thames and Kosmos or, to put it another way, "chemistry carried out with the primary object of investigating the workings of nature is what we now call physical chemistry" Laidler, 5. This has made the distinction between physics and chemistry at this frontier very difficult to define.

This fuzzy distinction is also one of the things that makes the discipline of physical chemistry so interesting -- it cannot deny the complete interweaving of scientific disciplines. Physics and chemistry lay out the foundation and explain the mechanisms of all other sciences, and the field of physical chemistry is the closest unification of these two sciences. All biological and astronomical processes only occur because of reactions and interactions at the molecular and atomic level, and physical chemistry attempts to explain these underlying principles Laidler, 9. Though the nature of energy and matter is still not fully understood, physical chemistry is approaching better and better explanations….

Works Cited Laidler, Keith James. The World of Physical Chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press, Accessed 9 March htm Science Daily. The lab will involve testing household products to use as cleaning agents. During the lab students will wear gloves and if necessary masks. Educational goal: To understand the 12 principles of green chemistry and the scientific method Student objectives: Students will understand and apply the 12 principles of green chemistry. Materials: Vinegar, baking soda, bleach, and household cleansers Time required: Three days of research, brainstorming, and finally a lab day.

National standards met: S1, S2, S6, S7 Green chemistry principles addressed: Teacher prep: esearching the dangers of common commercial household cleansers. Procedure: In class, students will write out the 12 principles in their own words in simple language. The class will come to a common definition for all 12 principles. Then students on their own will be asked to pick a household cleaning product and research online whether the manufacture upholds these principles. In class, students will be asked…. Resources 12 principles of green chemistry. ACS: Chemistry for life. Massachusetts Education.

Symmetry in Inorganic Chemistry Molecules are often classified in terms of their symmetry. All molecules that have the same basic shape share a number of common properties. Classification of molecules by symmetry is based upon the presence of symmetry "elements," such as mirror planes and rotational axes, and corresponding symmetry "operations" such as reflection through such a plane and rotation about such an axis, shared by all molecules in a given "point" group. A symmetry operation is a real or imagined change that can be made to the molecule that leaves it in an indistinguishable position from the initial position. For example, if a benzene molecule were rotated by 60, , , or degrees about it's principle axis of rotation, the molecule will be left in an identical configuration with respect to the initial one.

Any molecule said to have C2v symmetry or to "belong" to the C2v…. References Avetisov, V. Kitaev, Y. Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys Mann, S. healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry is a branch of sciences that deals with the compositions of matter and helps in identifying the substances that form matter.

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