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Duty essay

Duty essay

On appeal from the district court's decision, duty essay, the court held: the district court properly…. Employee's Rights to Health and Safety in the Workplace Duty essay objective of this study is to analyze the rights of employees to health and safety in the workplace in regards to the scenario as follows: DoRight has recently been hired as the President of the duty essay Human Care Hospital," where he oversees all departments with over 5, employees and over 20, patients at the medical facility. In this theory certain actions are allowed or prevented by the argument that each of the …, duty essay. McGreevey, Patrick and Richard Winton. Official Operational and Administrative Duties Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : Main Principles of Implementing Duty of Care in Health and Social Care Duty of care is a legal obligation for each individual in the health and social care setting that requires them to adhere to a standard of reasonable care.

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Policy of Duty of Care for Students Students' Policy Head: Analysis of Policy of Duty duty essay Care for Students Analysis of Policy of Duty of Care for Students Analysis of Policy of Duty of Care for Students It cannot be denied that the duty of care for students whether in primary or secondary schools has significant importance in Western Australian schooling system. The duty of care policy for students is considered to be a document, which provides guidelines for teachers to take positive and cautionary steps to maintain the welfare and safety of the students.

The aim of this paper is to analyze the significance of duty of care for students in West Australia primary school settings. Duty of Care for Students in Primary School Settings Overview The question arises that why this duty is so important in primary school settings? According to the Western Australian Duty of Care for…. References The Department of Education Website. Duty of Care for Students. Policy-id [06, September, duty essay, ]. As seen in the concept of rectification of names, people can build orderly and harmonious societies when they clearly understand the duties associated with each other of the duty essay relationships and strive to fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities. The father must rectify or live up to his title by providing for his son's educational and vocational training and teaching them virtue, etiquette and duty essay in tradition and authority.

Slavicek, Confucianism discusses duty essay duty in terms of the family and how the individual's character in dealing with the community is shaped by the family. In the Confucian perspective, the family is the center of all values that the individual duty essay learn and practice as the individual deals with other members of the community. Duty essay perspective shows a distinct Eastern philosophical leaning whereby the family is at the fulcrum in explaining the social duty of the person. References Slavicek, L. San Diego, California: Lucent Books Inc. Streissguth, T. Netzley, P.

Weyer, R. Mumbai India: Jaico Publishing. Western Australia's Department Of Education Duty Care Policy Statement Western Australia's Department of Education Duty of Care Policy Statement Teachers have a duty to care for their students. In order to ensure that teachers are responsible and held accountable for an appropriate level of care for their students, teachers in Western Australia have to follow the tenants of the Western Australia's Department of Education Duty of Duty essay Policy Statement. The document provides three main tenants all teachers and school facilities must obey: teaching staff has the responsibility to prevent foreseeable harm from occurring to their students, use professional judgment in the execution of responsibilities, and provide the appropriate level of supervision Government of Western Australia Department of Education The first scenario presents a case where a teacher is trying to teach a student better behavior through punishment strategies using a time out.

In this case, the teacher removed a…. References Citizens Information. Teachers duty of care, duty essay. Public Service Information, duty essay. html Government of Western Australia Department of Education. Public Sector Management. Student's Responsibilities in School Safety Simple everyday duty essay are effective in reduction of school crime. Annual Report on School Safety, Those actions are: ehave Responsibly: Students can resolve problems and disputes in a non-violent duty essay Students can refrain from teasing, name calling, duty essay, and other seemingly innocent duty essay that actually hurt others' feelings. Respect other students, school staff, duty essay, and family members. Know and follow the schools rules. Report Crimes and threats to school officials.

Get involved in or start anticrime programs at school. Learn how to avoid becoming a victim. Seek help. School-Teacher-Staff-Management Responsibilities in School Safety The school's responsibilities in providing safety at school and on school grounds are duty essay follows: Provide strong administrative support for assessing and enhancing school safety. Assessment of the school's security needs. Monitoring the school facility to ensure it is a clean, safe, environment. Implementing policies that support and reward duty essay behavior. Bibliography Cook, duty essay, P. Moore Eds. Youth Violence, Crime and Justice: A Review of Research Vol.

html] Victory for the Student Researcher: Chou V. University of Chicago Duke L. Negligent Torts Proximate Causation, Duty of Care and "But for" According to Bjorklunthe largest amount of litigation in the area duty essay personal injury consists of unintentional torts. The definition provided by Black's Law Dictionary indicates that a tort in general is "a private or civil wrong or injury including action duty essay bad faith breach of contract for which the court will provide a remedy in the form of an action for damages"p. As Bjorklun emphasizes, though, "Not every unintentional act that results in an injury to another person or in damage to property is a tort.

In day-to-day living, an individual engages in numerous activities that involve varying degrees of risk of injury to another. It is only those acts that are negligent that form the basis for a tort"p. Therefore, unintentional torts are referred to as "negligent torts" by many legal…. References Bjorklun, E. Teaching about personal injury law: Activities for the classroom. Social Studies, duty essay, 86 2 Black's law dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Koch, W. Psychological injuries: Forensic assessment, treatment, and law.

New York: Oxford University Press. Chaplain's Duty During the middle Ages, one of the most important people in a community was the religious leader. Christianity in the time period was the preeminent religion and the leader of the church would be extremely powerful. ithin the church, there were several different jobs that a person could take and each would have specific responsibilities and duties to fulfill. One of these positions, the chaplain would have responsibilities that more directly tied him to the church building than other members of the clergy. Among the duties of the chaplain were providing spiritual guidance to laborers, supervising architecture and tending the chapel, and also clerking and keeping the accounts of the church, duty essay. By definition, the chaplain was a priest or monk who was in direct charge of the chapel.

His responsibilities would include the maintenance and upkeep of his designated chapel Medieval. This would include all building repairs, cleaning,…. Works Cited: Edward Lewis Cutts. Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England. Ethical Dilemma of Sleeping on Duty Taking naps while on duty may cause individuals to be suspended from their jobs. Particularly in the field of law enforcement, sleeping while on duty is regarded as a serious form of misconduct, generally leading to disciplinary action, and in some cases, employment termination. Individuals may intentionally or unintentionally fall asleep at work. This employee misdemeanor is considered a serious issue and is mentioned in a majority of personnel handbooks.

It has adverse impacts on productivity, and may be dangerous when the person in question is supposed to be alert and on surveillance, to prevent a harmful situation from occurring. Furthermore, sleeping at work reflects unprofessionalism, duty essay. Different organizations have different attitudes towards this misdemeanor - while some are tolerant and permit personnel to take naps in duty essay work hours under their policy of improving productivity, others are strongly against it, and make use of…. References Arsenault, J. Cops under investigation in Duty essay for snoozing in vehicle; video posted online. Justice, Crime duty essay Ethics. Cincinnati, duty essay, OH: Anderson Publishing Duty essay. Creek, M. Sleeping on Duty. html Loscher, P.

Keep That Moral Compass Close at Hand. duty-based or deontological ethics duty essay be defined and applied to Mattel Inc. Duty-Based Ethics Duty-based or deontological ethics deals with what individuals do, rather than the outcomes of their doings. Its key tenets are: Do what is ethically right. Do it since it's ethically right, duty essay. efrain from doing wrong things. efrain from doing them since they're wrong. Under deontological ethics, one cannot simply validate one's actions by proving duty essay its end result was good; thus, this approach is occasionally termed as "non-Consequentialist. This ethical approach is commonly referred to as 'the principle of the thing', duty essay, by society BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Duty-based ethics.

It teaches us that specific actions are wrong or right due to the "types" of actions they are. Further, individuals are duty-bound to act in accordance to this knowledge, irrespective of whether the…, duty essay. References n. BBC - Home. BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Duty-based ethics. shtml

resilience essay

So, what consequences will we have? According to Solomon, in case the maximum of lying becomes universal there is no point to lie anymore. It is absolutely impermissible within the first categorical imperative notion Solomon 5. Kant emphasizes that the notion of maximum contains several flaws in its application. Therefore, the philosopher provides the second notion. This formulation is based on the same moral principle, but it is more comprehensible and easier in the use. This notion indicates that action is permissible only in case the rational being is not treated.

The philosopher believes that only humans are the rational creatures. Due to their intrinsic value, no one can be treated as an instrument of the desires fulfillment. People involved in this action should accept it voluntarily Meerbote and Walford However, due to the different life positions and moral principles of people, it is difficult to achieve the positions of this statement. There are always some specific circumstances which require the particular exclusions. The present universal law can be considered from position of contradiction. As the result, people would not stop believing each other because they lie to save lives. Kant explores his theory with the relation to lying only. The maximums and other universal laws should be specified in the ways that could demonstrate the relevant features of any situation given.

For instance, in this case, the situation of committing a murder in order to protect oneself can be considered as an exception. However, this theory cannot be relevant in the complicated and vague situations. Kant indicates that the goodness has not to contain a meaning of the consequences and results, it is good in itself. Gregor, Mary. The Metaphysics of Morals. New York: Cambridge University Press, Theoretical Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. By definition, the chaplain was a priest or monk who was in direct charge of the chapel. His responsibilities would include the maintenance and upkeep of his designated chapel Medieval.

This would include all building repairs, cleaning,…. Works Cited: Edward Lewis Cutts. Parish Priests and Their People in the Middle Ages in England. Ethical Dilemma of Sleeping on Duty Taking naps while on duty may cause individuals to be suspended from their jobs. Particularly in the field of law enforcement, sleeping while on duty is regarded as a serious form of misconduct, generally leading to disciplinary action, and in some cases, employment termination. Individuals may intentionally or unintentionally fall asleep at work. This employee misdemeanor is considered a serious issue and is mentioned in a majority of personnel handbooks.

It has adverse impacts on productivity, and may be dangerous when the person in question is supposed to be alert and on surveillance, to prevent a harmful situation from occurring. Furthermore, sleeping at work reflects unprofessionalism. Different organizations have different attitudes towards this misdemeanor - while some are tolerant and permit personnel to take naps in between work hours under their policy of improving productivity, others are strongly against it, and make use of…. References Arsenault, J.

Cops under investigation in Quebec for snoozing in vehicle; video posted online. Justice, Crime and Ethics. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. Creek, M. Sleeping on Duty. html Loscher, P. Keep That Moral Compass Close at Hand. duty-based or deontological ethics will be defined and applied to Mattel Inc. Duty-Based Ethics Duty-based or deontological ethics deals with what individuals do, rather than the outcomes of their doings. Its key tenets are: Do what is ethically right. Do it since it's ethically right. efrain from doing wrong things. efrain from doing them since they're wrong. Under deontological ethics, one cannot simply validate one's actions by proving that its end result was good; thus, this approach is occasionally termed as "non-Consequentialist.

This ethical approach is commonly referred to as 'the principle of the thing', by society BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Duty-based ethics. It teaches us that specific actions are wrong or right due to the "types" of actions they are. Further, individuals are duty-bound to act in accordance to this knowledge, irrespective of whether the…. References n. BBC - Home. BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Duty-based ethics. shtml Doing Well by Doing Good -- Maximizing Shared Value. Mattel: Playing with Ethics -- Doing Well by Doing Good. Ethical Consumer: the alternative consumer organization. Mattel, Lead Paint, and Magnets: Ethics and Supply Chain Management.

Ethics and Behavior,20 1. HIV and duty to warn for counselors: Does Tarasoff apply? In the hypothetical scenario discussed in the article, the patient is a bisexual male who has sex with his wife and with male partners. The article does not make it clear whether the patient's wife is aware that he is bisexual and is having sex with multiple partners. Generally, information disclosed to a counselor is protected under confidentiality. However, in Tarasoff v. The question posed by this article…. References Stanard, R. Legal and ethical implications of HIV and duty to warn for counselors: Does Tarasoff apply? Journal of Counseling and Development, 73, Kant Morals Kant focused on presenting the idea of good as being a concept that should not be defined by relating to a series of attitudes and behaviors that some communities are likely to identify as good.

Instead, he attempted to show morality in its entirety as the only good thing and as being strongly related to good will. Even with the fact that he emphasizes occasions in which people can put across helpful attitudes toward others on account of their personal interests, he also related to how someone can actually behave morally without expecting something in return. This is, from Kant's perspective a good example of a person considering that it is his or her sense of duty that fuels them rather than the feeling that they are going to profit from the enterprise. An individual who behaves morally practically abandons all desires in order to experience a type….

Duties The directors of a corporation are, essentially, the representatives of the shareholders in the administration of the company. They are charged with the task of administering the corporation in such a way that preserves the assets of the shareholders, and that they receive a good return on their investments. As such, the Board of Directors is the "highest governing authority within the management structure at any publicly traded company" Kennon, Among the tasks that the directors perform that help them in their role are the following: to select the Chief Executive Officer and set the CEO pay; evaluate the attractiveness of and to authorize dividends; recommend stock splits and share repurchase programs; approve the company's financial statements and give advice on mergers and acquisitions Kennon, Works Cited: Kennon, J.

The board of directors. htm SEC. SEC prepares to implement Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirement for CEO and CFO certification of SEC filings. In addition, the SCO is also responsible for coordinating inter-command agreements that set forth the details of contracting support relationships between United States armed forces and coordinating operational plans or requirements that originate with the Joint Staff as well as the provision of host nation support, status of forces agreement, assistance in kind agreements, or any treaties for Contingency Contracting Officer review Contracting Officer's Authority, This final responsibility also requires a high level of expertise and experience in the relevant field.

For example, Bianca reports that, "Senior level contracting requires more knowledge of the impact of business trends and new laws on an organization. The contracting function, under the supervision of a senior contracting officer, must help the organization achieve its strategic goals" , p. With respect to the coordination of joint contracting operations, Bianca adds that, "A senior contracting officer may resolve issues and disputes, terminate or…. References Bianca, a. The duties of a contracting officer. Contracting Officer's Authority. Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy. Appendix a. Teaching the fundamentals does not necessarily mean stripping the fun out of learning, however.

In fact, the best educators know how to balance the wishes of students with core concepts. For example, teaching Homers Odyssey could include both a close reading of the primary text, an analysis of the text using literary criticism, plus an analysis of modern manifestations of the work, such as the Coen brothers' film O Brother here Art Thou. Developing a broad-based curriculum can extend fundamental knowledge about literature, making that knowledge applicable to a wide range of literary works. hen educators are able to incorporate popular culture into a traditional curriculum, their work becomes creative and powerful. Students who can apply themes and philosophies to works beyond that which they encounter in the classroom have really learned something. However, by simply mimicking popular culture, the educator deprives students of the ability to think critically.

Works Cited Coen, J. And Coen, E. O Brother Where Art Thou? feature film Homer. Parker, T. And Stone, M. The subject has been under severe depression due to a string of traumatic experiences in his life. He feels despondent and is unaware of what to do. He feels that he is living without a purpose in this life and assumes himself as being unwanted and unaware. He has just lost the two people who according to him were the only two people who actually loved him and cared for him. He tried to kill himself recently by having sleeping pills. After being rushed to the hospital and having been saved, he is now sitting in front of me as my client waiting to be counseled.

Legal, ethical, and clinical issues of being a counselor No…. References Schoener, G. A High Risk Situation: The Suicidal Client. Retrieved October 10, , from Walkin. pdf Schwartz, R. Suicide Assessment and Evaluation strategies: a primer for counselling psychologists. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, White, J. Suicide-Related Research in Canada: A Descriptive Overview. duty of any state to provide its citizens security and without doubt the police are the face of this security. Time and again efforts have been made to find ways to fulfill this obligation, community policing being one such step.

Community policing, often known as 'foot patrol', has become a dominant process and adheres to the idea of collaboration between the police and the community to identify and solve problems. This concept involves the community to ally the police in its efforts to ensure safety in any particular neighborhood. This concept focuses on creating a partnership and a foundation of trust which enables the community to voice their concerns, give their valuable suggestions and assist the police to address the problems. The output in any case is one; to enhance the quality of life for the community.

Community policing should not be regarded as a substitute for all other needed…. Bibliography Ferreira, R. The use and effectiveness of community policing in a democracy. Retrieved August 28, Wilson, J. Q, and Kelling, G. Broken Windows: The police and neighborhood safety. The Atlantic. Naturally, there is also some overlap because some legal duties such as the duty not to sell or serve spoiled food would also be ethical duties irrespective of legal issues. Others, such as specific refrigerator temperature requirements would not necessarily also correspond to ethical duties if the purpose of the law i. avoiding food spoilage could be accomplished even at slightly higher temperatures.

In theory, organizations have no ethical duty not to discriminate by race etc. unless those duties are defined by law. However, a very strong argument could be made that there is indeed an ethical duty to treat people equally even without any such laws specifically mandating it. Hospitals and all healthcare…. References Halbert, T. And Ingulli, E. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies. Judson, K, and Hicks, S. New York: Glencoe. Instead, they carried out their missions without question, and effectively won the war with their attention to detail and sense of duty. The book makes the reader question their own sense of duty, and if they would have the resolve to fight in a war like this if it happened again.

It is a powerful book, partly because it is emotional, and partly because the reader realizes that these people are real, their duty was real, and that our freedom really rests on their shoulders. Ultimately, this is a book about dying. It follows the last days of Greene's father, but it also looks at the bigger picture of America's World War II vets and how many we are losing every day. It also looks at the lives of the Japanese lost in the atomic bomb explosions, and talks about how many more lives could have been lost if the…. goal of their ethical calling, physicians, nurses and other health care workers are obliged to treat the sick and potentially infectious patients and, in so doing, they are to take some personal risk Murray This was the bottom line of the assessment and stand made by Dr.

Henry Masur and his colleagues at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease NIAID , particularly during the outbreak of dread global SARS in Canada and Hong Kong last year. Masur emphasized that this primary goal and obligation is voluntary and sets the medical profession apart from other professions, precisely because of the involvement of some personal risk in fulfilling that obligation. esides physicians, medical professionals are nurses, dentists and health workers. Bibliography Katz, Laura L. And Marshall B. When a Physician May Refuse to Treat a Patient. Physician's News Digest, html Levin, Aaron.

Doctors Willing But Not Ready to Treat Deadly Bio-terror Agents. Health Behavior News Service: Center for the Advancement of Health, cfm Murray, Terry. Health Care Staff Have a Duty to Treat. The Medical Post: Rogers Media, The Dentist, HIV and the Law: Duty to Treat, Need to Understand. Dental Treatment Consideration, Here, criminal law is of course preemptive in all jurisdictions, yet enforcement is restricted to agencies dedicated to law enforcement investigation and apprehension of individuals. In spite of billions of dollars spent on homeland security, in the aftermath of Katrina pediatric-specific preparations continue to lag behind. Lack of disaster readiness for hospitalized children and for those undergoing reunification process sheds light on the disjuncture of public administration duty to rescue of minors; regardless of state intervention as 'duty' in all other areas of their lives i.

foster care. Children's advocates argue that, "federal and state policy makers should dedicate research funding for the development of redundant strategies for implementation in states to assure timely reunification of infants, toddlers, and children and with their correct parents and caregivers" Dolan and Krug, Articulation of those terms and the implications of not doing so are inflected in a broader discussion that is…. Works Cited Dolan, M. And Krug, S. Pediatric Disaster Preparedness in the Wake of Katrina: Lessons to be Learned.

Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Elsvier, , Handfield, R. In the Wake of Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned through the Lens of Supply Chain Disruptions - Part 1. Supply Chain Management 08 Sept Implementation of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act And Other Organizational Changes. Department of Homeland Security DHS , Laws and Regulations. behave ethically are more apt to earn the trust of their customers, employees, and stockholders. A system of ethics serves as the backbone of an organization. Without such a backbone, an organization cannot be firm enough to provide its various parts employees, stockholders, customers with what they need. An organizational culture supported by a system of ethics enables the company to grow, develop and attain suitable positive goals that benefit all stakeholders.

When that system is evident to customers, employees and stockholders, all three are more willing to climb on board to be part of the journey. Ethical behavior on the part of organizations can take various forms -- from corporate social responsibility programs to simple workplace environment cultures. Yet some companies fail to truly understand these forms and how they work. This paper will look at one organization -- Adelphia -- and examine how it failed to embrace an…. References Alexander, L. Deontological ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Restoring trust in auditing: Ethical discernment and the Adelphia scandal.

Managerial Auditing Journal, 24 2 , Retrieved from Proquest. Grant, P. Adelphia insider tells of culture of lies at firm; Government's star witness says manipulation of reports began soon after company went public. Wall Street Journal, C. Executives on trial: Prosecutors say Rigases stole from Adelphia; Founding family is accused of a long list of abuses as the fraud case begins. Ethical Scenario: Skills as a Nurse Practioner Nurses and other health care suppliers are the ones that are continuously confronted to make ethical choices in regards to things like life and death matters in giving out care to individuals, communities and families.

To be pertinent and ethical, these choices need to be measured in the larger context of personal, societal, cultural and professional values and ethical ideologies. As scientific and medical technology advance, persons and society look at dilemmas and hard ethical choices. Nurses, as part of society and as frontline health care specialists, day-to-day face ethical dilemmas connected to life and death and fairness in health care. With that said, this paper examines the scenario of patient and nurse utilizing ethical principles. As a nurse, the first thing to do is to understand that an unintended pregnancy further confuses the already confusing physical and mental changes of teens. References Begley A. Truth-telling, honesty and compassion: a virtue-based exploration of a dilemma in practice.

International Journal of Nursing Practice, 8, Lawlor, A. Morning-after pill poses moral dilemma for some MDs. aspx Marsh, B. Nurses' fear for morning-after pill. html RN, M. The Ethical Component of Nursing Education: Integrating Ethics into Clinical Experiences. LWW; 1 edition. In actuality, through helping the needy, we actually help ourselves and the well-being of our society in a variety of ways. By giving a poor person an opportunity or assistance to avoid homelessness, that person can oftentimes begin the ascent out of poverty and in the long-term, eventually, become a productive, tax-paying consumer, which then actually becomes a contributor to the overall economic welfare of society as opposed to an economic drain.

As noted by Andrea B. Schleshinger of the all Street Journal, "It is a rare public policy initiative that promotes fairness and social justice and, at the same time, promotes productivity in the economy and in society at large. Investing in disadvantaged young children is such a policy" Schleshinger. The United States, indeed, has several policy interests to promote by helping the poor. Another critical policy reason to help the poor is that an investment in helping the…. Works Cited Carrol, Charles. Dornhoff, Prof. University of California at Santa Cruz. Phillips, Peter Censored the Top 25 Censored Stories.

Seven Stories Press. Schlesinger, Andrea B. There are, of course, many individuals besides nurses that are essential parts of medical teams when it comes to providing effective and efficient care to patients. Specialists such as dieticians, diabetes educators, and physicians that practice in highly specialized fields all have their own niches that most patients require service in at some point in their lives. Nurses can support all of these roles without assuming them themselves. Teams function most effectively when the…. References ANMC. html Thomas, R. Accessed 21 October Causation: Irrespective of whether or not AC Apartments satisfied its duty of reasonable care with respect to the safety of its tenants, the harm for which liability is claimed must relate directly to any failure to satisfy that standard.

More particularly, to establish liability, the plaintiff must also establish that any negligence of AC in failing to exercise reasonable care was the proximate cause of the harm that resulted Freidman For example, had the apartment complex manager previously been sentenced for rape as a juvenile, even a thorough criminal background check performed by AC Apartments would have failed to disclose that information, through no fault of AC Apartments. A more interesting factual situation arises if AC failed to satisfy its duty of care owed to its tenants by neglecting to perform any pre-employment criminal background check of the manager but where the only relevant information available would have required….

Bibliography Feliu, a. Washington, DC: BNF, Inc. Friedman, L. New York: Touchstone Halbert, T. Cincinnati, OH: West Legal Studies Schmalleger, F. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall. Malpractice in Patient Care Nurse A is assigned to Mr. Jones and is tasked with ensuring that the patient is protected at all times. The patient cannot do certain things that will assure him a protected and assured health process. The nurse provides every necessary help and support so that Mr. Jones can recover as expected. Presently, the nurse has been doing well on the shift. Additionally, the nurse should ensure that the patient has received equitable medical service.

In the case presented, the nurse is doing well since he is at the touching distance between him and the patient. The nurse should offer an immediate observation on the health situation of the patient throughout the nursing process, which is throughout the night shift. The nurse has the duty to ascertain the feelings and changes within the patient to be accurate on what is happening and what is likely to…. ights of the employees and employers in the UAE This paper is divided into two parts: art one highlights the responsibilities and rights of the employers working within the UAE; the second part highlights the rights of the employees, including expatriates, working within the UAE.

Employer ights and Duties Prevalence of Arabic In all sorts of records, contracts, files, statements and documents Arabic language will be used and its use will also be compulsory for the instructions and the circulars used in the organization by the employer to the employees and if in any case there is any sort of foreign language prevailing then Arabic shall prevail over all the other texts Labor Law, ATICLE 4 - Amounts payable The amount paid to the employees or any of hidden beneficiaries under the law shall be based on the value of the movable and immovable property and items of the…. References Human Rights Watch HRW Building Towers, Cheating Workers: Exploitation of Migrant Construction Workers in the United Arab Emirates.

HRW, 18 8. Keane, D. And McGeehan, N. Enforcing Migrant Workers' Rights in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 15, 81 -- Employment Issues in the United Arab Emirates. New York's Code of Professional Responsibility. Labor Law. Labour Law And Its Amendments. Labor Law Federal Law No. The program director also typically fulfills duties in the realm of direct negotiations with recording labels and other professional management and representation in connection with establishing product or talent exposure goals that are mutually agreeable to all parties.

Finally, the broadcast radio program director must also supervise technical elements of radio broadcast operations, including the production, recording, and airing of programs, Paro, and for ensuring that engineering personnel follow strict FCC and other regulatory compliance requirements Stern, ; Stern, The compliance element of radio operations can be extremely challenging because a radio station program director must master the terminology and many of the complex legal concepts and standards that govern broadcast media Paro, While the actual legal…. References Hall, C. This Business of Radio Programming. New York: St. Martin's Press. Paro, B. Roles, Duties, and Influence of uffalo Soldiers in the United States Despite the fact that uffalo Soldiers and their accomplishments may not be known by many, they played an integral role in the construction and expansion of the United States as it is known today.

While the uffalo Soldiers as a cavalry only lasted from to , their influence has had a lasting impact. Furthermore, they helped to pave the way for future African-American leaders and deserve to not only be recognized for their valuable services, but also need to be remembered as role models. On July 28, , the United States Congress passed legislation to establish two segregated cavalry units, the 9th and 10th regiments, and four segregated infantry regiments, the 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st, which were to be made up of black, enlisted men. Bibliography Buffalo Soldiers Research Museum. htm Davis, Stanford L.

Accessed June 11, Prosecutors' Duties Prosecutors are governed by a set of stringent ethical and legal rules meant to reinforce their justice-seeking duty, in addition to helping them fulfill their roles as advocates Kurcias, One of these is the Brady ule, which requires the disclosure, by the prosecutor, to the defense, of all materially exculpatory Brady evidence in the possession of the state Kurcias, Brady evidence refers to any material that would either go towards negating the guilt of the defendant and thereby reducing his potential sentence, or towards a witness' credibility.

In a jury trial, the prosecutor is required to "disclose such evidence to the grand jury before seeking an indictment against" the defendant Sands et al. The prosecutor's failure to disclose such material could lead to the automatic suppression of evidence, especially if prejudice has ensued as a result Kurcias, In such a case, suppression…. References Kurcias, L. Prosecutor's Duty to Disclose Exculpatory Evidence. Sands, J. Kalar, S. Prosecutorial Misconduct. Delegation of Duties In the civilized and fast industrializing word, there are mounting duties and responsibilities each and every day.

There is always the pressure to meet some deadline or finish some contract that one won within a given period that the commitment was made. This call for a helping hand and sharing of the duties among the people concerned and are capable of handling the duties. In the bid to delegate duties, there is a lot of care that must be taken so that the delegation is properly done. Even so, there are several obstacles that are experienced especially in the heath care department. This paper will be focusing on the best possible ways of delegating duties within the health care department and looks at the possible challenges that may come up and how to minimize or eliminate these barriers in duty delegation in the nursing department.

What is…. References Business Dictionary, Delegation: Definitions. html Human Resource Knowledge Barriers to delegation. html Michelle Randall The Six Steps to Delegation. Why Abortion Should be AbolishedIntroductionAbortion is legalized infanticide. It is the legal practice of murdering a child growing in the mothers womb. It has been justified on the grounds that a woman has a right to choose whether she wants to nurture the life that has been conceived inside her. The issue is debated because it is controversial; however, the two sides of the debate do not see the issue of abortion in the same terms. Those who are pro-abortion pro-choice tend to frame the issue in terms of rights, whereas those who are pro-life anti-abortion tend to frame the issue in terms of duty.

Some pro-choice advocates also seek to justify their position by referring to matters of health and safety, arguing that if abortion would abolished, women would be using coat hangers unhealthy to kill their children in the wombso at least abortion clinics offer a safe and…. Works CitedCavanaugh, Lynn. A Brief History: The Four Waves of Feminism. ProgressiveWomens Leadership, Accessed 2 May Christian Life Resources. US Abortion Statistics by Year. Christian Life Resources, Rogers, Jay. Is the Heartbeat Bill Pro-Life or Pro-Abortion? The Forerunner, Seven Pillars Institute. Moral Theories. Totten, Gloria. Ohios Heartbeat Bill is Unconscionable and Unconstitutional.

TheHill, They are the behind-the-scenes people that get the work done and keep the office moving forward, even if most clients do not realize that they are there and are not aware of how much they actually contribute to the cases that the lawyer handles with that particular firm. As for the skills that a paralegal must have, these are also very important. Paralegals must attend schooling so that they are qualified to perform their duties. In general, however, paralegals must be able to type quickly and accurately and they must be able to answer phones, make calls, and perform filing and other secretarial duties.

Paralegals are not secretaries, however, and they have many more skills that relate directly to law. For example, they have a strong understanding of legal terminology. Many individuals struggle with what a legal document actually says because of the wording, but a paralegal must be able…. According to the pure mathematics of utilitarianism, then, there is very little debate regarding this issue. No matter what the circumstance, a person who is experiencing true biologically-driven hunger due to a lack of enough food to eat will get far more utility out of the most basic morsel of nutrition and substance that could be achieved by the most magnificent meal for those who are used to plenty and this comparison is even unfair, as the magnificent meal could be traded to feed that many more hungry people.

It is an ethical duty, then, for those of us privileged enough to have plenty to share it with those who do not have enough. Extending this logic further allows us to answer the question of whether this duty is greater amongst our neighbors, or if there is a global mandate for all mankind. The answer would be very different two…. They were more focused on preventing what they thought was going to be a gang war. According to the officers, they noticed immediately that prisoners in the yard were acting different from the usual from differences in the way they went about their usual routines. They also noticed the extra layers of clothing on two groups of prisoners despite the warm weather, which immediately suggested to them the potential for imminent violence.

Since only two groups with known pre-existing animosity were overdressed, the officers believed they were facing imminent gang violence and they followed institutional protocol for returning inmates to their cells. It was apparently preplanned that the attack on the guards came from those two gangs in that process. Inmate's Recollection of a Riot: One inmate advised that "not only can't you trust anyone in here, but you also can't trust anything. Meanwhile Congress was reluctant to challenge Bush members feared being termed "unpatriotic" since Bush argued that the safety of Americans depended on the secret surveillance done by NSA immediately, but in the past few months Congress the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees has demanded - and in part received - access to internal documents on the wiretapping program.

So here is a case…. Works Cited American Civil Liberties Union ACLU. Cornell University Law School. Cutler, Leonard. Where published, shareholders and other stakeholders may 'assume' official and final writing according to the Statute of Frauds, which stipulates that public notice of the company's profit and loss constitutes reliability to the shareholders and other stakeholders, and assumes that those parties are in agreement to those activities. Analysis of Horizon, Plc v. The law on misrepresentation is preceded by the UK Misrepresentation Act of OPSI, Preface to the discussion is what rule elements are not at play…. References Beale, H. And Rutgers, J. et al.

Contract Law Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Gullifer, L. And Payne, J. Intermediated Securities: Legal Problems and Practical Issues. Misrepresentation Act of , UK Office of Public Sector Information. Scottish Law Commission. Billy Budd, Sailor There are many themes to be considered in Herman Melville's story of Billy Budd; individualism verses society, the vulnerability of innocence, and conscience verses law. In this paper we will explore the latter in the context of the time and setting of the story. There is a scene in chapter 21 where a small drumhead court is assembled by Captain Vere to consider the fate of Billy after he has struck Claggart, a superior aboard the ship, and killed him for lying about his alleged involvement in conspiring to incite a mutiny aboard ship.

As the court waivers on what to do about the situation Captain Vere speaks, "But something in your aspect seems to urge that it is not solely the heart that moves in you, but also the conscience, the private conscience. But tell me whether or not, occupying the position we do, private conscience…. Works Cited Hunt, Lester H. The Clash of Perspectives in Billy Budd. University of Wisconsin, Department of Philosophy. Perkins, George, and Barbara Perkins Eds. The American Tradition in Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Dereliction of Duty by H. McMaster Brigadier General H. McMaster's book "Dereliction of Duty" addresses a series of inconsistencies concerning the Vietnam War and the Johnson Administration's indifference regarding the most probable outcome that the conflict would have.

McMaster harshly criticizes Robert McNamara as a result of his role in the war and because he is primarily responsible for having brought the U. In this particular clash. he book describes the Vietnam War and the events preceding it, most probably with the purpose of presenting readers with the set of events that paved the road to the conflict. In addition to expressing his perspective about McNamara's influence in the war, McMaster also focuses on the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations and on their involvement in the war. Judging from historical facts and from their tendency to put across their regret as regards their failure to prevent the Vietnam War from…. The Vietnam War was basically meant to have the general public consider that the U.

was willing to fight against authoritarian regimes from all over the world, given that it had apparently been one of the most virtuous democratic forces. However, political leaders were uncertain in regard to the military objectives that American troops should be given or concerning how exactly they would assist the South Vietnamese in having access to a better life. The Joint Chiefs of Staff themselves were unable to act according to their role of providing professional military advice, as they were required to be loyal to the president first. The catastrophic decisions made by the Johnson Administration thus took their toll on the troops in Vietnam, as it came to be the main actor in the conflict.

McNamara was primarily determined to act in disagreement with the Joint Chiefs of Staff because he considered that they were unable to respond rapidly to his demands. According to McMaster, McNamara gradually developed a tendency to act on account of the advices he received from presidential advisors and depending on what he thought was best. McNamara came to overestimate the power of U. military forces in Vietnam, and, furthermore, considered that military leaders on the front were perfectly able to take important diplomatic decisions. According to McMasters, McNamara failed to realize the fact that the military was but a tool that needed to be directed in accordance to professional military advice.

McMaster, Dereliction of duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the lies that led to Vietnam, HarperPerennial, Special Duties of Prosecutors One of the major differentiating aspects of the United States of America is the fact that if arrested, you are innocent until proven guilty. This is a rare concept among legal systems. Most countries deem the suspect guilty until proven innocent. In the United States, it is the duty of the Prosecutor to find the defendant guilty, while the defense attorney is solely responsible for upholding his client's innocence. The prosecutor is seen in a special light by the public.

Smith says that it is understood that prosecutors have the moral high ground, that they are the good guys and are on the "right" side. Prosecutors are representatives of the state and the government, in essence, the people. This responsibility gives the prosecutor a special light, almost making them seem noble, as they seek the truth and justice Smith They prosecute villains, and seek…. References: Arenella Peter. Reforming the Federal Grand Jury and the State Preliminary Hearing to Prevent Conviction without Adjudication.

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